1. Leave me a comment saying something along the lines of "interview me".
2. I respond by asking you five questions of a very intimate and creepily personal nature (or not so creepy/personal).
3. Update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. Include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post .
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, ask them five questions.
I was questioned by
hewtab Favorite HP character? Why?
Snape, without a doubt. I love the mystery behind his character; he is undoubtedly a very strong wizard, and the bitterness of his life (both in childhood and adulthood)definitely makes him the most interesting person in the books, in my opinion. I <3 Snape. It's not that horrible of an idea.
What is the one food you will never get sick of?
Cheese! I loooove cheese. I love it on macaroni, and with tostitos, and in plain slices. If I could eat cheese for every meal and not gain 5416541694621654 pounds, I would.
If you became President of the United States (or your native country), what crazy cool thing would you do during your term?
I'd totally just throw a party in the White House. I'd invite all my friends, old acquaintances, family, whoever and I'd have a super awesome party with seven minutes in heaven in the Oval Office. There'd be prank phone calls to other national leaders...
On a more serious note, however, I'd probably do an extensive rehaul on our nation's education system.
Most embarrassing moment? Explain :)
I have tons of them. Today, I was signing some documents for work, and I signed by boss's last name after I put my first name and middle initial. I did this like, four times. I was mortified once I'd realized what I'd done, because 1) I had no idea why I'd done it (and still dont)--I had to write my boss's name earlier, so I'm assuming it was just stuck in my brain, and 2) My boss is an older lady. When one of the guys I work with peered over my shoulder, I thought he was going to fall over from laughing. Freud much? I hope not. o_O
If you were a Super Hero (or villain, lol), which super power would you have, what would your uniform look like, who would be your sidekick (or henchman/woman), what would be your catch phrase, who would be your nemesis and what would you fight for/against? (Can I get any more specific/long? Lol!)
Wow. I'd want to be a Hero because I don't want to end up in some sort of jail. Anyway, I would want the ability to shrink myself down to practically nothing. Like, really, really small. That way, I could fit into places and overhear conversations, no one knowing any better of it. My uniform would be pink and black and would have to shrink with me. I'll have a band over my eyes for a mask, since I don't want it to mess up my hair. Oh, and stompy boots. I want stompy boots. My sidekick would be the Ultimately Fabulous and Handsome TeleKenny, who can move things with his mind. Did I mention that he is Fabulous and Handsome, cause he totally is.
I'm awful at catchphrases, so ours would be something really corny and lame. No! Wait! Even better, and keeping with teh lameness--we'll just sing our own theme song. A Capella. I don't know how it will go yet, but we'll just sort of sing it to each other before we do our hero thing.
My nemesis would be THE MAN, and we would be fighting against all the stuff he's telling us to do, because, ultimately, I don't like being bossed around.
In other news, I'm absolutely freezing. WHY or WHY did it for from seventy degrees to thirty degrees in less than a day??!