Icon Meme

Feb 13, 2007 21:21

ganked from lavinialavender

Look at your LJ userpics list. If you have fewer than 50 icons, pick every fifth one. If you have between fifty and seventy-five icons, pick every seventh one. If you have over seventy-five icons, pick every tenth one. If you have fewer than ten, pick all of 'em. List them on your LJ, and tell everyone exactly why you have it, why it's interesting to you, what significance does it have.

1. (My current Valentine's Day default)

Anyone who knows me even a little bit knows that I am a HUMONGOUS fan of The Office. Anyhow, grrliz made this icon from a quote of one of the shows in Season 2.

2. Oh I'm so happy this one came up.

I've adored the Snape/Lily pairing for a long time, and of course, throughout various internet exploits found pojypojy's artwork. She does them so well--they look how I picture them in my head--that when I found out she was doing commissions I quickly signed up! I love the final piece-it's gorgeous. Anyhow, I icon'd part of it for all my Snape/Lily posts. <3<3


Hm. Funny thing. I'm not really a Jared Leto fan, but I think he's pretty. That's why I like this icon. Cheer up, pretty emo man.


I have a few old school book covers, and this one, Dicey's Song is one of them. I loved that series when I was young. Made by iconzicons.


Another Office Quote to let LJ know how I feel. Made by grrliz.


Drugs are bad and funny. j/k. This is what I use when people have crazy HP theories. Made by casa_de_pika


Another incredulous icon. This time featuring House. By colourcopy


ANOTHER Office quote. Man, I have so many great icons of the casts' faces, and this meme is pulling up all the quotes. Oh well. This one is still love. The episode it's from is called "Grief Counselling"; in this really lame Office meeting, everyone is totally bored and they make up stories about how their relatives died for their boss. He believes most of them, including this one. By backseaticons


Yay. A Jim icon. Not my fave, but it's good. I love John Krasinski. Anyhow, this is my "cool" response icon, obviously. By iconzicons


Woo! I love this icon--it's fairly new (to me). It's my "Yikes!" icon. With Pam. From the Office. Made by threehole_punch

And there you have it. End of meme. :)

In other news, I am addicted to shopping, lately. This is not good, not good at all. Today I bought a really expensive pair of Frye boots for myself and a shirt to wear tomorrow (red, of course). My bank account is a couple hundred dollars lighter. EEK. And I can't stop shopping.


I need a new pair of black shoes, too. My heels aren't working for work.
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