Meme time!

Dec 17, 2006 09:41

Stolen from buttfacemakani

On the twelfth day of Christmas, fabricatedemons sent to me...

Twelve ricky gervais drumming
Eleven good omens piping
Ten icons a-leaping
Nine hogwarts dancing
Eight sagittarius a-jkrowling
Seven belarus a-teaching
Six marauders a-singing
Five be-e-e-en folds
Four ryan adams
Three death eaters
Two lily evans
...and a slash in a snape/lily.

Hilarious. I love that they thought "Rowling" was a verb because it ends in -ing.

But I think 1-6 are my favorite. Even though there aren't six marauders. Maybe they cloned themselves. If that's the case, I'll take an extra James and Remus kthx.

I'd die of happiness for five Ben Folds, but I love Ryan Adams a little bit more, so I guess I'm sort of sad there aren't five of him. Anyway, the whole bunch would make for an interesting party. The two James' can fight over the two Lily Evans', and then the three Death Eaters can try to kill them all.

But the slash in the Snape/Lily? Hilarious. Oh the innuendo!!
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