Dec 13, 2004 10:38
If I tell you that I cried yesterday like a fucking baby or that I haven't cried that much since my dad passed away, believe me because I'm not lying. I feel like I've cried a river and I could keep going. I know it's time for me to just forget about Ely now and I should've done it long ago, but when you're in love you're blind and you don't wantto face reality. How can he be such a dick to me after dating for 2 years. If you don't want to be with me just tell me or at least tell me that you don't feel the same for me anymore, but don't try to blame everything on me and say we can't be together ever again because I will never change and that I'm too jealous. I mean I let him do whatever he wanted to during the week and if he'd ever as for a guys night out I never hesistated to say yes. Then because he got caught doing whatever he did with that fucking dick Gerardo and his mom found out, he automatically thinks that I snitched him out. Omg I've only been going out with you for 2 years and oh yea I'm going to snitch him out. Omg my forehead hurts from crying so much, I'm already at that point where I stop eating again and I just want to lay on my bed and cry away and not talk to anyone. I hate this feeling and like no matter what I do, I don't stop thinking about it! Ahh! I think what kills me is that fact that I actually have to move on and no matter what happens I'll never be with him again. Omgggg why am I so in love with him? And then if I ever do run into him and see him with another girl, I think I'll die! He told me he never wants to talk to me again, so I deleted his number along with his moms, his brother, and even Rigo! Fuck it there's no form of communication now! Better for me! I hope he falls in love and they fuck him over that dick head he deserves nothing but the worst for him!! Ahhh you guys have to help me get through this! I even called Yeileen and Monica last night to talk because I kept crying! Great, Christmas is right around the corner and maybe this is what keeps me down, I'm so used to spending it with him. Honestly this is the worst feeling, it feels like it's never going to end! I know there is someone out there for everyone, but sometimes I just feel like he's never going to come! Patience is a virtue! Ignorance is bliss!
But where are all the cute guys at? I went to Zba's and I didn't find NOT EVEN one! Thursday is definitely a girls night out, I need to get over this A.S.A.P! I'm tired of being heart broken and depressed. There has to be a way out of this tragedy!
This will be my last depressing journal entry! I'm tired of being down!
BTW, you guys should see the girl Ely is hangingout with now, she looks like a fucking monkey. I admit Chantelle is pretty, but not this girl. He won't admit that he's with her, but I read the text messages she sent him and a birthday card she gave him saying "I hope we could work this out no matter what are the circumstances" also she is Alain's ex and Alain is with Chantelle now, are they switching partners? Oh and Alain is Ely's friend. I wonder if he knows about Ely and Joanna?