Alas! You've found a geeky place, indeed. Strange Things are discussed here, including (but by no means limited to) Monster High, sewing, cats (lots of cats) and college, but not too much college. Too much college talk would be undesirable (and boring, no doubt)! If you're here, you're probably from Flickr or Tumblr, in which case yes I am that girl who makes those dresses on
Owlbirdy. Feel free to add me! Although this journal is friends-only I'm open to meeting new people. The lock was mostly to prevent excessive amounts of Russian spam, although that seems to have died out over the last year or so (thank goodness). If you're curious about what else we might have in common just poke over to my interests! You can also find my fandom mixes
on 8tracks.
* As of 01/01/14, Owlbirdy (the Etsy shop, not the journal!) is on hiatus until I can sort out college-related stuff before listing up new items! Fear not, nifty things will return.
Profile Credit :)