Dec 25, 2010 17:27
Your hubby buys you Hot Yaoi Pr0n. LOL! Got a Manga I didn't already have in my stocking. :)
I also got a Juicer (And I juiced every tangerine in the house and it was yummy.)
and I got a couple of Movies and the Entire BlackAdder collection on DVD instead of my ancient VHS tapes. YAY for upgrading an old BBC Britcom collection I love.
We watched the Christmas Special in the set, one of my Favorites. "Melchett: And What of the Foul Marmedons? Baldrick: Good news! For the Marmedons..." That was obscure I know. Sorry.
For now I think I will start at the beginning and marathon the episodes, that sounds like a very cunning plan for christmas, yes indeed.
Happy Holidays Everyone!