Stole dis shit from l-tan, have you noticed I like to talk, yeah how could you not.
I am required to talk about: music, faceshapes, obama, the sword in the stone, and russia/canada.
*cracks knuckles*
MUSIC: I love music. Seriously. I think it's one of the greatest things to come from the human race, it's a cross-cultural unifier (I personally love music from places as distant as Korea, Australia, Ireland, and Russia, to name a few), and I firmly maintain that the practice of music, whether instrumental or vocal, expands the mind in ways that other media can't. In a less general sense, I really enjoy musicals (particularly as cleaning music - good to sing along to!), oldies, classical, impressionist (idk mai bff Debussy), and modern rock and pop. The last two may seem incongruous, but as long as the lyrics mean something, and the tune is catchy, I'll listen to pretty much anything. The only music styles I honestly DISlike are really country-ey country (I don't mind the lighter stuff like Allison Krauss) and gangsta rap. I enjoy rappers like Atmosphere, and some of Wyclef Jean's stuff. Then there's kpop and jpop, which I basically listen to when somebody recommends them to me, but when they do, I fawn all over the stuff. Super Junior, Girl's Generation.... stuff from AMVs, too, lol.
p.s. I love the Beatles, and would honestly cut a bitch if it meant they could continue producing music as beautiful as they used to. ;___;
FACESHAPES: Hahaha, ok, well, I only really discovered that these EXISTED a couple of years ago when I decided that animu perhaps wasn't the coolest thing since sliced bread. But I give credit to several folks for my embrace of them, namely: ktshy, makani, halcyonjazz, alexds1..... <3
lol, I'm not really sure what else to say here.... I follow the "circle-with-crosshairs" school of face-shaping, then build on top of that frame. I think cheekbones are hot but I never know quite how to draw them, and I draw way too many 30-something dudes with slim, pointy-chinned faces.
Seriously, though, he's doing quite a good job so far. I don't think he's pushing the envelope as far as he could, because he's still a little afraid.... in order to be a Really Great President, he'll have to work to make himself a bigger personality, and be less afraid of offending people.
Not that he should follow the George Bush doctrine of Be A Dick To Everybody, Hur Hur, but he definitely needs to be more assertive.
I absolutely believe that his presidency could be very very good for this country, though I don't think he's going to be able to completely pull us out of the woods within 4 or even 8 years - it's just not possible. However, if he keeps going in the track he's in now, and runs in 2012, I'll be voting for him.
THE SWORD IN THE STONE: hahaha, this was because of my icon, wasn't it? Yeah it was. That's okay. xD The movie has gorgeous animation, and one thing I find cool about it is that you can still kind of see the sketch lines under the color - a relic of old-school animation that I love.
The book is the first 1/4 of "The Once And Future King" by T.H. White, an epic and heartbreaking (but also quite humorous) retelling of the story of King Arthur, that honestly made me sob my heart out when I finished it.
I love Arthurian legend, I think it's so cool and tragic.... and also the fact that France was like 'yoink' in the.... oh, 1200s or something? (I don't remember, someone correct me) and totally revamped the stories, so that they were less 'lol Wales' and more 'lol chivalry' because France was all into that shit around then.
RUSSIA/CANADA: LOL. Ok, here's where I present my shipping manifesto.
I'm not even joking, I'll ship pretty much anything if it's sweet, plausible (this is a very loose definition, mind you), or if I think it's too hilarious NOT to be shipped.
Russia/Canada.... I'm not even sure how I STARTED shipping these two.... maybe it had something to do with Alaska.... I don't know. Anyway, they are taiga bros, they're both kind of frenemies of General Winter, and both their characters have unplumbed depths. I'm serious - there are way too many folks who are like "ok, so Russia's a psycho rapist, and Canada's a kawaii moe, aight", which is SO NOT THE CASE. D:/ I mean, look at the Russian ballet, and those gorgeous buildings in St. Petersburg, and Dostoyevsky! Then, turn your attention to Canadian hockey, lumberjacks, and the War of 1812. This, again, is a gross oversimplification of their characters (in my headcanon which nobody wants to hear about anyway, lmao) but it just illustrates the fact that there is so much more to them that nobody seems to see... and I think that that could be ground on which they could connect.
there's actually a lot more to it, but this is already reaching tl;dr levels, so I'll shut up and give you STUPID ART which is what you're all here for, anyway, right? Haha, it's okay, I do the same thing.
Iggy Poppins. I debated drawing a fairy instead of a bird, but the pen was getting bleedy and weird, so I was like "whatever".
this is also l-tan's fault, if you dislike this entry, just blame her for everything (jk dude, ilu)
ALSO, if you'd like to do this meme, go ahead, and I'll give you 5 things!
Fair warning: If I don't know you that well, they may be totally pulled out of my arse.