/gingerly brushes away spiderwebs

Oct 18, 2011 00:34


So I still have a Livejournal.

And I still read people's posts.

I just... never post here anymore. It's strange. This was totally my HOME for a couple of years, and now.... well, tumblr's the new game in town, and as much as my inner hipster loathes the fact that I'm on the bandwagon because it's easier, the fact remains that... it's easier. And it means that I don't have to put all my shit on photobucket to post it.

HOWEVER, I can still use LJ for brain dumps, since I'm sure all of 3 people still maybe look at it.

-photoshoppin' ponies (VECTOR ART IS FUN U GUISE)
-feelin' disgustin'ly inadequate about my drawin' thanks mostly to my drawin' professor
-using too many abbreviations
-and not enough punctuation

I'm on break now! Parents are still chugging along, doing whatever it is they do (which right now appears to be work a bunch of flu clinics and editing jorbs respectively, then collapse and watch Masterpiece Mystery), I'm managing to pirate someone's wifi, and real food happened tonight, which was GREAT.

Things I need to do over break:

+Read 1000 Character Classic, consider paper topic
+Figure out what's up with Study Abroad, begin essays
+Hand-washing signs for Mom
+Poster for Halloween dance @ Beloit
+Somehow acquire kilt
+Eat properly
+Sleep a ton
+Work out
+Draw more

when did my lj become ALL LISTS

college, life

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