Хтоническая музыка

Jul 02, 2007 22:32

Продолжаем постинги довольно редких текстов мьюзикла "Шоггот на крыше"

Arkham Dunwich

She is our daughter, and we love her
We want her happiness and joy
But here in Arkham it is hard to
find a boy.
Even in Dunwich it's a problem
suitable lads are seldom seen
We would since Prudence here turned sweet 16...

Arkham, Dunwich; Arkham, Dunwich -
filled with haunting fears
Neighbors who hide up in the attics
inbreeding happily for years...

Arkham, Dunwich; Arkham, Dunwich -
ancient haunted grounds
Finding a noble man's a challenge
in these benighted little towns

Wilbur is from a well-known family
powerful, prominent and rich
And like the residents of Insmouth
smells like fish
His taste in clothing is peculiar
it's true he doesn't have good looks
But he's a scholar, always reading books

Arkham, Dunwich; Arkham, Dunwich -
ancient haunted grounds
Neighborhoods hiding many secrets
strange & oppressive little town...

Arkham, Dunwich; Arkham, Dunwich -
pickings here are slim
Prudence might not like Wilbur Wakely
but we think she should marry him

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