May 24, 2004 21:59
School today.. basically sucked! Got 2 new projects and we're starting sex ed in a few days... yippee NOT! Eww.. we were talking about parasites today.. grossest thing ever in the world. Fire Worms... no thank you! I don't want some 4 foot worm living inside my skin. Then Senora Drief tried to persaude me that there was a worm that lived in your stomach if you bit your nails too much and the only way to get it out was to hold a hambrger in front of your mouth and it would climb up your esophagus and jump onto the hamburger and she swore that she read it in her science book in 5th grade. I asked Mr. Peterson and he said that he's going ot use that one next year on his classes... I laughed. That's about all that happened today at school. MInus the fact that Natalie grabbed my boob twice and I humped her like 3 times during lunch.. it was grand.
Diving was interesting. It was only Logan, Tyler, Lisa, and Ashely there... along with myself of course. They're a funny bunch they are. Logan especially. That chick cracks me up and she's my best friend because she thinks that Nick likes me. She said that he was the hottest whale penis that she's ever seen... I totally agree. I would hump him ... NOT! BUt he is cute. I'l give my brother that. Too bad he likes Theresa, but then again that's cool because Theresa is an awesome chick. Way cooler than I am that's for sure.. but who isn't.. I mean come on! Well thats about it...Fun Day is tomorrow and Natalie and I are owning it.. holy crap!
Oh I found an awesome radio station... everybody in the world needs to check it out. It's like KJSX or something like that.. it's 89 FM. I love it... and I don't care if all my friends call me "the old lady" just because I listen to awesome music. It's waaay cool.. classic jazz.. the shit!