WOW! Today was sooo awesome! I'm so excited!! Everybody on our team made all cuts at NCS (North Coast Sections). It was so exciting... maybe not for Chris (seeing as he wasn't expecting to make it past the first cut). Chris got 16th, Nick got 3rd and Tyler got 1st!!! Duuude.. I'm sooo proud of them! The girls were also hecka good! Casey (Foothill freshman) won 1st, Ashely (Monta Vista, been diving for 6 years)got 2nd, Monica (Senior from concord)got 3rd, Rebecca (one more of Monty's freshman) got 4th, Ali (Amador savage) got 6th, and I ("Biggest Dork ever") got 9th! It was soo awesome! I brought my guitar to the mett but didn't play it much because peope were always diving and I didn't want to be noisy.. although Chris was having a blast with it... I think he's going to be the next guitar savage of the world. I hung out with Cameron during the beginning of the guys' meet... hes a funny kid. Kyle and I have a new girl to drool over. This girl was hellla tiny.. but cute! She had a rockin body too! She was this dude's girlfriend though. I wanted to shake his hand and say "Congratulations!"
It was such a miracle that Ty's back was alright. He said that he didn't even think of his back during the meet.. like he said it didn't bother him at all! Everybody that prayed for him.. thanx! God does answer prayers!! I'm soo happy that he wasn't in pain the whole time!
I took more pics from the meet.... so just ask me if ya want to see them and I'll send them to ya!