Random questions meme!

May 20, 2007 19:05

Lots of ice in drinks, little, or no? little ice
Music loud or soft? loud
Hair dyed or natural color? dyed (purple! lol)
Skinny dipping or bathing suit? bathing suit plz lol
Monkey bars or swings? swings! because i'm lazy!
Candy bar or chips? chips
Ice cream or sherbert? sherbert
Vanilla or chocolate? chocolate
Hair long or short? long is preference right now
Jeans or shorts? jeans
Jungle or tundra? Jungle
Fishing or swimming? swimming
Dancing or chilling? dancing

Scale of one to ten, one being not enough and ten too much:
How much are you on the internet? 10
How often do you laugh in conversations? 5
How often do you do outdoor activities? 4
how often do you have leisure time? 8
How often do you joke? 6
How often do you get mad? 8
How often do you go to the movies? 4
How often do you hang out with friends? 5
How easily do you crush? 9

What is your dream career? Successful actress and novel writer :)
If you had a hundred million dollars, what would you do with it? Buy a hundred million fruit snacks or more. (J/k) Hmmm...a house on the coast somewhere, and then go traveling everywhere with my friends and family. :D
Favorite restaurant? Sonic
Favorite childhood toy? Barbies lol
Color that makes you feel most peaceful? light yellow
T.V. show or movie that makes you fall asleep? Oh for Pete's Sake would probably make me fall asleep because it's so damn BORING lol
Book that makes you fall asleep? Les Miserables by Victor Hugo probably *snoooooore*
Writer you can't stand? anybody who writes a book about George Bush be it in praise or criticism, lol (what a waste of ability honestly)
Idea or theory you find most puzzling? Quantuum Physics. But that's partially because I'm lazy and don't read about it.
Favorite time period fashion wise? the Garden of Eden! XDD Whoo hoo naked time! :D
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