Aug 03, 2009 19:28
A different and hard decision the United State has to be about enrolling illegal immigrant into college. Isn't this the land of opportunities? Many immigrants give up all their dreams and hope for a fresh start in the United States and now many states are refusing out- of -state students to become someone to be proud of.
So, Why don't let them in? -if someone have to take responsible for this, it will be the parents of them not know it the law of this country..
Therefore, there are Two reasons that I think is reasonable. 1- to let them study, in which case the U.S.A wins on rewards, and 2- the contributions can be many.
When they come to this country they suffer their language, work, family, indifference, worries about all different things. But many of them came here to succeed, be better persons to start all over, that is why we came here to study; The U.S.A wins with all illegal people that are graduated from high school, the rewards can be huge, since we speak both languages, there are jobs opportunity all over the country; But since we don't have documents for us are limited. Doctors,Teachers, nurses can be made if we support the illegal to continue studying.
Here is my fact, a illegals pay double the amount of a legal U.S.A student and each years the amount goes up no dawn, how can now the illegals study?
Moreover, The journey they have to go through, sometimes can be expensive as well as deadly for them, but they give it the try. So why not let them in the college? I f they all wanted is to study; doesn't matter if they finish or not, if they are no going to graduated or even if doesn't find a job after that; the contributions of illegals people can be many. If we let them enroll into college they will have more lawyers and dentist that the United State needs and besides who are they hurting? Yes, they are broking the 1996 Federal law, but who cares? I think this country knows but is convenient to let them be in here; however, they hold us accountable.