Are we shy? Are we setting new ground? Are we high when we're watching downtown? Are we different?

Aug 20, 2009 22:12

So Hey! it's been a long time since my last entry, I'm just to lame to come here... I started school again, it has been good so far, way better than last term that I just hated everything about it, which maybe was because I was in depressive mood, but my meds are making me go back to the bubbly, always smiling Lizzie that I used to be!!! And I appreciatte all around me much more, so of course school it's a better place now, and now I have no doubts about my carreer so that's great! And yeah my life is again a happy place, and I wish I won't go back ever to that 5 grey months in my life.

But why talk about sad things... when life is beautiful and full of bless people. But in reality I don't have any more interesting things to tell you other than I just got a haircut... and it's short now, but I wanted to try a new look :)

Oh yeah I almost forgot, my birthday!!! LOL oh yeah my bday was like 2 weeks ago, and tons of thanks to all of you for wishing me a Happy bday, it seriously meant the world to me!!!
I did a big celebration of a week, I went too many times to watch Harry Potter, and I freakin love it, and my obsession for Draco just grew after the movie. I went to a lot of dinners with different friends... childhood friends, HS friends, college friends, my BFF's and my family. And I got the must yummy cake ever it was of chocolate and coco *drooling*
I got lot of flowers!!! all of them pink... they know me so well LOL, some friends gave necklaces and earings, love them, but too bad I don't wear them :P I've got a lot of clothes, which is my favorite thing, the best one probably was the shirt that Melisa gave to me, it has Bloo and Cheese from "Foster's Home for imaginary friends" on it, which is my fave cartoon ever, and I'm kinda obsessed with it!
And most importantly I've got money!!!!! that I'm saving it for emergencies!!!

Emergencies = Jonas/Demi/Miley are giving a concert in Mexico and a front row is needed LOL

No, but seriously, the best part was all the love I receive from you and all my family! My mom and dad are so awesome to me, sometimes I don't think I deserve it that much, I love them to death, no idea what I would do if I didn't have them with me. I still can't believe I'm already 20, like no! it can't be possible... my brain can't compute this... though it's a relieve to see a lot of people turning 20 too *coughJoecough*, it makes me feel better and not that old LOL

On fandom news, I'm obsessed with Party in the USA!!!!! heck such an amazing song! and I can't wait for all the new songs from her, just 11 more days!!! And Falling down, I'm so excited to hear the whole thing, I already got stuck in my head the little preview, I'm getting more and more excited for Selena's music, it seems like it's going to be a fun album. And I just can't help myself but love everything this girl does.
And I need to know which single JB picked, WWIII or Much better, I love to death both songs, and their performance live on the TCA'S was beyond perfect, I'm excited for both, and for the video they can do with it. :D

So bomb that we didn't get any pics of Selena/Miley, Miley/JB, Selena/JB............ but this made my day...

Vanessa and Selena!!! I love those girls SO much, and together is the best! I love that Vanessa was clapping when Selena finished her speech after she won!!! :) They really need to do a movie together, playing sisters, that would make my life, well not all, jk LOL

So I will stop now, this is becoming really long as usual... that's what happens when I stop writing for a month LOL
I love you, and I seriously miss talking to some of you...

P.D. A Harry Potter meme I promised I will do it

All time favorite character?
Hermione, she's my idol! no need to say more! I've dressed as her like 6 times, and it was not necesarilly Halloween :P And it might adds the fact that I love Emma...

List the books in order from your favorite to your least favorite. I'm gonna add how many times I have read each one just for the record LOL
01. Deathly Hallows (1)
02. Prisoner Of Azkaban (5)
03. Half Blood Prince (3)
04. Philosopher's Stone (6)
05. Goblet Of Fire (5)
06. Order Of The Phoenix (3)
07. Chamber of Secrets (5)

List the movies in order from your favorite to your least favorite.
01. Prisoner Of Azkaban
02. Half-Blood Prince
03. Goblet Of Fire
04. Order Of The Phoenix
05. Philosopher's Stone
06. Chamber Of Secrets

Favorite chapter from your favorite book?
Since I listed Deathly Hallows as my fave book, my fave there's too many, I love the one in which Harry and Hermione are on Godric's... I love the chapter when Ron cames back... and the one when Harry is "dead" and the final battle is going on in Hogwarts

Top 10 favorite characters?
01. Hermione Granger
02. Draco Malfoy
03. Luna Lovegood
04. Ron Weasley
05. Hagrid
06. Albus Dumbledore
07. Voldemort (oh yeah I like him and I wrote his name LOL)
08. Bellatrix (she's such a corrupted bitch that I love her LOL)
09. Tonks
10. Fred and George

Ouch I didn't include Harry in it....

Five least favorite characters?
01. Dolores Umbridge
02. Peter Pettigrew
03. Vernon Dursley
04. Percy Weasley (I hated him, though I felt bad for him in that last chapter when he was crying for F)
05. James Potter (he could be Harry's dad, but I can't forgive him that easily for being such a jerk)

Favorite member of the Golden Trio?
Hermione duh!

Favorite family?
Luna and his dad... so, so adorable!

Favorite antagonist?
I pretty much love all the antagonists in this books, because they're so elaborated characters with deep feelings... Draco, Snape, Voldemort, Lucius, Bellatrix... all of them are awesome in my book :)

Favorite Death Eater?
Bellatrix Lestrange, she's the HBIC LOL

Three favorite spells?
Expelliarmus, Lumos,  Accio and Wingardium Leviosa ... this are the ones I always repeat LOL

Three favorite potions?
mm not good at this, I don't remember their names that well... so I shall go with Aline's answers ...Felix Felicis and Polyjuice Potion

Favorite Non-Hogwarts magical building?
The Burrow!!!

Favorite Diagon Alley shop?
Weasley Wizarding Wheezes

Favorite Hogsmeade Shop?
Honeydukes, I would be so happy in there :D

Favorite Unforgivable Curse?
Favorite? these are horrible... mm but the coolest is Imperius no doubt LOL

Favorite mode of wizard transportation?
Floo dust or sth like that...

Favorite Weasley?
Ron, I love Ron!

Favorite Order Member?

Favorite DA Member?

Favorite pet?
Crookshanks, I love that cat!

Favorite Hogwarts room?
The great hall

Favorite Hogwarts Professor?
Hagrid! Lol no, kidding... mm probably Flitwick!

Favorite non-human Hogwarts resident?
Peeves LOL

Favorite Tri-Wizard Champion?

Favorite House Elf?
Dobby, duh!

Favorite Wizard sweet?
mmm chocolate frogs

Favorite canon couple?
I guess...Ron/Hermione.

Favorite non-canon couple?
Harry/Hermione!!!!!!!!! I still live in denial ok!

Biggest surprise of the series?
Spoilers.................................................................................................When Hedwig and Fred died :'( I was not expecting that at all

Biggest letdown of the series?
not having Harry/Hermione! LOL not... that's not the biggest letdown, my biggest letdown is probably Harry being such a jerk towards Snape... and Hermione becoming such a stupid jealous/in love girl on the 6th book, she dissapointed me, but oh well...

One character you wish lived?
Fred Weasley!

Moment that will always make you cry?
all the deaths.

Your Patronus would be___?
most likely a cat

Three things Amortentia would smell like to you.
Flowers, rain or humidity,  and the smell of a good pasta LOL

You would use Felix Felicis to___?
The possibilitties..........To win front row, and meet&greet passes to the JB LMAO and while the effect still lasts to meet the boy of my dreams, and maybe win the lottery, so I can travel the world! :)

Job you would most like to try?
a teacher...

Ron/Hermione or Harry/Hermione?
I think I just let that clear...

James/Lily or Snape/Lily?
Snape and Lily but I guess James too, because without him we wouldn't have a Harry

Do you know which page Dumbledore was killed on?
NO, but Aline had the answer... 556 :P

Do you think Harry Potter is better than Twilight?
Hell YES!!! Harry Potter owns Twilight anyday, just saying.

Do you own the books/movies?
I own from the 1st to 4th books in spanish and from the 5th to the last one in english, I also own the 2 "student books" JK wrote for charity, the one of magical creatures and the one of quidditch!
And I own the first 2 movies in VHS, and the rest on DVD!

Have you ever played any of the video games?
the one of the third movie, I was such a fail...

Don't they kind of suck?
yes, Ron got stucked on a room and I NEVER could get him out :P

Do you think it would be cool to have a pet owl?

How about a rat?
mmmmmmmmm NO

Have you ever listened to the soundtrack?
Yes, it's amazing... my fave song is from the 3rd one, it's called "A window to the past" and it always makes me cry it's so powerful!

Which house would you want to be in?

Do you like Draco?

Would you ever enter the Triwizard Tournament?
mmmm no, I will be cheering!

Would you keep your money in Gringotts?
yeah why not

What class would be your favorite?
Charms, Potions, Adivination

Do you think you would enjoy being a witch/wizard?
Oh yes!I have been dreaming of that since I discover the magic world, not for nothing I'm obsessed with literally ANYTHING that's it's at least a bit related to something magical or another world.

Thanks to whoever read all that! ♥

music is my life, jonas brothers rock my world, happy lizzie was here, my girl crush, school, harry potter is the best thing ever, bloo is the best imaginary friend ever, "i like chocolate milk", reading is my life, happy birthday

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