Jan 18, 2007 18:00
My name is hero, I am fifty one.
I'm going to learn eight languages. Eight or nine:
1)English (I got that one already, sort of)
2)French (French verbs = the shiz)
3)Mandarin (I know how to say one to four, and I can write to ninety nine.)
4)Italian (I wanna go thereeeee)
5)Arabic (I started learning last year, mainly learned swear words and like "I am white")
6)Spanish (Of course)
7)German (It sounds so crazy)
8)Twi (it's African dialect) or Russian
Science summative today. It was pretty good, I didn't fail. It could've been fun. Almost. Today we were being really loud in math when the teacher was trying to get our attention and then she got really angry and was like "YOU GUYS DIDN'T DO AS WELL AS YOU THOUGHT YOU DID ON YOUR EQAO". So now I'm worried. I also found out we're presenting our drama summative on Tuesday. Which is good, because otherwise we would have failed, but the end of this week is not the end of everything anymore. Too bad. Off to facebook and piano.