fic: Smudged Letters, Exposed Hearts

Feb 13, 2011 04:50

Title: Smudged Letters, Exposed Hearts
Pairing: Kris/Adam friendship/pre-slash
Rating: PG
Summary: Kris and Adam start exchanging notes as children. Those notes come to define their lives.
Word Count: 646
Warning(s): None, except for the vaguest of allusions, (and I mean vague), to child abuse. Nothing graphic at all. Also, for my funky tense usage.
Disclaimer: I don't own the rights to the Beatles song, "Two of Us", and have only used a few lines of the song as a reference in the story.
Author's Note: I chose the Beatles song, "Two of Us". I'm so sorry for being a day late in posting my story. Any and all comments are appreciated!

Smudged Letters, Exposed Hearts
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