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Nov 26, 2011 17:52

Assuming that Darren and Chris naked in my bed are not available, here are some other options:

-Some kind of Dalton Academy cufflinks, including but not limited to these. Or any other cufflinks, really.

-Bowties - anything ranging from the grey wool one in Blaine's s3 promo to Kurt's clear clocks on in NBK. I especially like the narrow pointy-ended ones at the moment, and it can be either tying or pre-done.

-One of Darren's H2$ posters

-Scarves, especially in blacks, greys, reds, and blues

-Brooches, pocket watches, chains, or anything else that can jazz up a vest.

-Super-light grey that everyone in fandom calls Dior grey but Dior grey is actually quite dark while dove grey is closer to the colour of Kurt's former bedroom yarn, either sport, dk, or worsted weight, such as 9602 or dove heather to make a cabled scarf. Or any other yarn, really - anything that would make a nice scarf or lightweight gloves or socks.

-Anything remotely related to Alexander McQueen.

-Joann Fabrics gift cards. I sew like crazy, so if you have extra fabric and things I could probably find a use for it, too.

-Fic! Klaine and Tike are my only real ships, I like angst and cuteness, as well as superhot smut (for Klaine, not Tike).

-Adorable fanart. I can't draw to save my life so I live in constant awe (and often awwwww) of people who can. Either related to fics or standalone.

-I kind of desperately want a pair of boots like Kurt's on-tour: Doc Martens Pierre (size 9-10 in womens, 7-8 in mens), in either white with black or black with white. On the off chance anyone has a pair they're getting rid of or knows someone who knows someone, but they're freaking expensive, soo...

-Some kind of music composition/arranging software. Right now I have a free one that doesn't work very well at all, and I arrange a cappella music both for a local chorus and for myself because I'm an enormous geek, and it would be much easier if I had something that was more user-friendly.

All that being said, I'm a crafter (sew, knit, crochet a little tiny bit, plus scrapbook when I have the time/energy) so I totally appreciate homemade and handmade things. I wear mostly cool-toned things and my aesthetic is somewhere between Blaine at his most dapper and Kurt circa late s1, so take that as you will.


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