Any quilters?

Aug 23, 2009 15:25

I've recently discovered the world of online/"virtual" quilting bees. Essentially a group of people (usually 12 of them, one for each month, but that's subject to groups' preferences) 'sign up,' then assign an order. The first person sends fabric out to all the other people in the group, everyone makes a quilt block or two, then sends them back to the first person at the end of the month. Then the second month starts, the second person sends out fabric, everyone but the second person (including the first person) makes blocks with the second set of fabric, then it goes back at the end of the month, and so on and so forth until everyone has sewn n-1 blocks and n people have complete (or nearly-complete) quilt tops.

The fabric can - and usually does - go out with instructions about the type of quilt this will be, but those instructions can be as specific as "I'm doing it in drunken log cabin style, and please put the mushroom fabric in the center" or as generic as "I like curves." People can request the size of the block, can request techniques (like embroidery or applique), can suggest which fabrics should be prominent/accents...or not. And at the end of a month, you just have to stitch it all together and quilt the final product.

I'm now completely intrigued.

Any of my friendly resident crafters up for such a thing? It's a relatively small commitment of time and money, and now that we are (for the most part) starting to settle into homes and adulthood instead of schlepping from dorm to dorm every year, I think it might be a fun way to make things more homey.
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