dvampyrlestat. Wasn't exactly tagged personally. kind of generally tagged... voluntarily tagged? whatever...haha XD
1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
3. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names.
Starting time: 8:44 pm
Name: Jena, Shobe, Sarah (for people who, for some unknown reason, can't read/pronounce "Jena")
Sisters: None.
Brothers: 1 older brother.
Shoe size: Here in my country, i'm a 7.5 - 8.
Height: 5'2 and three quarters ~ around 5'3
Where do you live:
* Condo unit, in a compound, in the city.
Favourite drinks:
* tea. hot mint tea. hhmmmm....
Favourite breakfast:
* don't have a fav. i usually have the usual, toast/eggs/ham/bacon, whatever's on the table.
Have you ever been on a plane?
* Yes.
Swam in the ocean:
* Yes.
Fallen asleep at school:
* Yes. I tried my best not to fall asleep but ... boring lesson+sleepless night coz of homework+2:00pm+boring prof.= ZZzzz
Broken someone's heart:
* Yes.
Fell off your chair:
* Yes. one of those uber embarrassing times where you hear a loud noise, turn your head then someone, who was sitting on a chair a few seconds ago, is suddenly on the floor.
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call:
* No. i don't really talk on the phone much.
Saved e-mails:
* Yes. Aside from the main reason of being too lazy to clean my inbox, i need work-related emails for reference.
What is your room like:
* white, cluttered, small. aka stock room. i love my bed though its comfy.
What's right beside you:
* stack of CDs and DVDs. need to back my files up. but procrastinating is my special skill.
What is the last thing you ate:
* peach mango pie.
Ever had chicken pox:
* Yes.
Sore throat:
* Yes. right now coz of this stupid cough.
* No.
Broken nose:
* No. prays never will.
Do you believe in love at first sight:
* No. I actually know the difference bet. love and infatuation. Sorry, no offense to those who believe in it.
Like picnics:
* Yes.
Who was/were the last person/people you danced with:
* Ahia (my brother). Yesterday. He was gay-dancing to Truth. Tyring to imitate the "gay" dance which is totally NOT GAY. but it was funny. i danced along.
Last who made you smile:
* Ahia.
You last yelled at:
* Ahia. "No i'm NOT STREAMING." ... just donwloading...not my fault someone wonderful uploaded so many arashi subbed vids. But like i said, "NO, I'm NOT STREAMING"
Today, did you:
Talk to someone you like:
* Yes. It wasn't someone i Liked like. Just talked to my friend, who i haven't seen in ages.
Kiss anyone:
* My dad, when he came home.
Get sick:
* Not really. I didn't just get sick today. i've been sick for about two weeks now.
Talk to an ex:
* No.
Miss someone:
* Yes. i wanna meet up with atsi.
* Yes.
Best feeling in the world:
* sleeping in my bed after a hard-long day and not having to worry about waking up early the next morning.
Do you sleep with stuffed animals:
* Yes. A bear called Pinky. I've had her for, i think, 19 years now.
What's under your bed:
* Boxes. Like i said, bedroom a.k.a stock room.
Who do you really hate:
* I dont really hate anyone one right now. the hate feeling comes along when i see him.
Is there a person who is on your mind now:
* My mom. its late, she's not home yet. Oh, and Arashi. GAWD! Tickets are gonna be on sale this Saturday! ALSKJADFJDA!!! FINALLY!
Do you have any siblings:
* Yes. Ahia.
Do you want children:
* Yes, eventually. By eventually I mean...eventually, when i'm older and less self-centered.
Do you smile often:
* Don't know. Sometimes i smile without realizing it.
Do you like your hand-writing:
* I don't not like it.
Are your toe nails painted:
* No. Can't be bothered to.
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in:
* Bed of any Arashi member, provided they're in it as well. I'm a fangirl, i therefore have the right to fantasize. XD
What color shirt are you wearing now:
* White.
What were you doing at 7:00 p.m. yesterday:
* Taking a shower.
Are you a friendly person?
* I think so. People say I am. But i hate it when people misinterpret my "friendliness" as "closeness". *ahem ahem...WALL*
Do you have any pets:
* Not right now. Our fish died.
Where is the person you have feelings for right now?
* Don't have feelings for anyone right now.
Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you?
* I held mummy's hand this morning. She's my mum so yeah, she means a whole lot to me.
Do you sleep with the TV on?
* Not intentionally. When i forget to set the sleep timer on you can be sure i'll wake up with my mum as an alarm clock. Yes, I know mummy, we don't own Meralco!
What are you doing right now?
* Aside from answering this, waiting for my dl to finish so i can start dl-ing the other subbed videos.
Have you ever crawled through a window?
* Don't remember that i have so, errr...No.
Can you handle the truth?
* Yes. I guess.
Are you too forgiving?
* i'm forgiving but not TOO forgiving.
Are you closer to your mother or father?
* i'm a total daddy's girl but mummy and i have an understanding. So, umm, BOTH.
Who was the last person you cried in front of?
* My dad.
How many people can you say you've really loved?
* Mummy, daddy, ahia and probably a handful of friends. There are only really very few i REALLY LOVE.
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex?
* No. Ex? What ex? XD
Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you?
* Yes.
If you're having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to?
* Mummy and my college friend. We rant to each other and let out our steam.
Are you loud or quiet most of the time?
* Since i'm in the office most of the time now, i'm pretty quiet.
Are you confident?
* Yes. Most of the time.
5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
1. Studying.
2. Studying.
3. Studying.
4. Studying.
5. Studying.
5 things on my to-do list:
1. Watch more than 1 Arashi concert Live. Hopefully i get to watch one within the year. *crosses fingers*
2. Learn to cook. As in COOK cook. then become a chef.
3. Open a restaurant.
4. Become rich.
5. Travel the world.
5 snacks I enjoy:
1. yogurt. (to me this is a snack. don't understand how Ohno can consider this the most important meal of the day.)
2. ice cream.
3. potato wedges.
4. fruit?
5. can't think of anything else right now...
5 things I would do if I were a billionaire:
1. Put up a school.
2. Travel the world.
3. Put up my own Hotel and Restaurant chain worlwide.
4. Become friends with JK and co-produce Arashi concerts around the WORLD!
5. Enjoy and share the benefits that come with being wealthy. No use being a billionaire if you don't enjoy it.
5 of my bad habits:
1. I frequently and randomly relate things to Arashi.
2. I do not pay attention to my cellphone. *haha, same with jeffer*
3. I easily grow tired of things and of people. *again like jeffer, Arashi seems to be an excemption*
4. Procrastinate.
5. Use my ipod as an excuse to ignore people. -- not sure if this is a bad habit. it works though!
5 places I have lived in (or WILL live in):
1. Sydney
2. Manila
3. England (i wanna try)
4. Japan (i WILL go, one day...)
5. ---
5 jobs I've had:
1. technical writer (still am)
2. marketing person (more like assigned job/responsibility when i was in Uni)
3. video/photo editor of the family.
4. fangirl (totaly agree with Jeffer on this one!!! )
5. -------
If you're reading this, then TAG! unless of course you've already answered, then, fine.