Lucky me . Not .

Apr 12, 2006 13:54

I Broke my computer or more my computer screen on my lab top . I am on a really old screen right now . My computer seem just to fall apart . First I lost it on the floor and brake a little of it . Then things just stop working here and there . And then I had it in my bed and I got my foot on it and broke the whole screen . Yeah lucky , lucky me . To fix it . It cost about 400 - 500 dollars yeah and we do not have that money and it isn't long for the whole computer goes and then we need to pay even more to fix the rest . So my dad did say if we get the money . We just can shop for a new one in stead because paying for the rep cost more the the computer . I though if we get the money I want a Apple iMac G5 . Its a amazing computer for me as an digital artist and in every other way . It suck to be poor . But I at least have a home and food . I should be happy just for that , but still my computer is my whole world . So now i am a sad little 17 year old girl .
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