Jun 09, 2006 22:01
long time no update, eh?
no one else has either.
i felt that livejournal has been neglected...so of course i decided to give a quick update.
here's my schedule for the next couple of weeks.
saturday: ACTs at IHC in the morning
kaitlyn getman's graduation party for a bit
doing something with friends later?
sunday: church. yuck.
going over to grandparents/dinner with the fam.
monday: second to the last day of school.
regents prep work and all that fun shit.
tuesday: last official day of school.
clean out my locker. UH YUCKKK. haha.
wednesday: my first day off. yay.
hopefully getting my hair cut.
studying for math regent.
thursday: (morning) english regent til 11.
(at 12) math regent til 3.
studying for latin regent.
friday: (morning) second part of english regent til 11.
(at 12) latin regent til 3.
maybe i can fit in some sleep? please? haha
weekend...my dad wants to go on a family trip. oh yay.
monday: finally. a free day where i won't do anything. haha.
there's no way in hell i'm studying for history.
tuesday: history regent in the morning.
study for chem regent.
wednesday: chem regent in the afternoon.
thursday: all-nighter at the relay for life in PA.
alright. it's getting really late now.
i need to go to bed.