Agent M

Dec 28, 2012 23:13

Title: Agent M

Author: Fabfan

Fandom: All My Children

Pairing: Slight Bianca/Frankie

Rating: G

Disclaimer: I do not own these characters

Summary: Agent D learns something about his partner one early morning. Crossover with Men In Black.

Note: Just a quick reminder, Frankie’s full name was Mary Francis Stone.

Agent D rubbed his cold hands together as he waited for the elevator doors to open. It was freezing outside, and his body was still shivering from the frigid temperatures. New York City was a heck of a place, but the constant barrage of snow and sleet it had been experiencing for the last month was almost unbearable. That’s why he was so glad he and his partner Agent M had been assigned to desk duty for the past week. He did like going out and working cases, but sitting at a desk, while boring at times, was a lot better than driving through blizzards to check-out potential alien activity.

As the elevator doors binged open, he covered his mouth to hide the yawn. It was early. Earlier than he usually would arrive at MIB headquarters, but since the weather was calling for more snow, he decided it was better to leave early and make it then be stuck in traffic all day. He began to walk through the large room that made up the main area of the office. At the end was a large screen showing different aliens in their human disguises. It always brought a grin to his face to see his former third grade teacher Mrs. Smith. All throughout that year he said something was off with her. Turned out she was one of the many extraterrestrial visitors who chose to make a home on earth.

Being early, not many of the desks were filled. Not even those annoying guys who hung out near the water cooler were in. Oh well, it’d fill up soon enough. He’d probably just grab a cup of coffee and start on the mountain of paperwork he’d been putting off. Z made them fill out a ton of paperwork for an agency that technically didn’t exist. With that plan in mind, he veered off the main path and toward the coffee machine. Something made him stop, though. A quick glance to the side confirmed that yes, there was someone else in the room. Down near the far corner a figure sat hunched over their desk. The sight made him roll his eyes. That was the desk his partner - Agent M - had commandeered for the duration of their time in the building

He shouldn’t be surprised. He had to hand it to her. She was always there before him. Well, she was the senior agent of their little duo. He didn’t know too much about her. That came with the whole ceasing to exist as a person concept all agents had to adhere to when they agreed to join MIB. He did know she was damn good at her job. That probably came from the fact she was always working. He couldn’t remember a time she took a day off

D did an about face and headed toward the occupied desk. Another thing about M was that she was a great person to talk with. She had a sarcastic sense of humor and was good for a joke. On the job, she was as tough as nails and didn’t take any crap. It was something he admired about her. If she didn’t like you or the situation, she made it known. He had worked with her ever since he was recruited out of the NYPD. She taught him everything he knew about the job, and he’d come to see her as a friend. A friend who he knew nothing about

Approaching the desk, he opened his mouth to greet her, but quickly snapped it shut. He tilted his head in curiosity and held his breath. M was bent forward in her chair, her computer booted up in front of her. On the screen was a woman. She looked to be about twenty-two or so. She wasn’t any older than twenty-five. She had long brown hair that seemed to frame her face like a halo, and her open smile was filled with tender care. The woman was in a park, her big fluffy coat wrapped comfortably around her figure. A little girl ran up to her and flung herself into her arms, and the two laughed happily. By the way the scene was lit up, it couldn’t have been in New York. He racked his brain for a location - Europe perhaps

D shook his head. Why was he trying to figure out the location? What was more interesting was who this person was. All agents were able to access a program that allowed them to follow aliens, usually for cases. It gave them a chance to keep an eye on repeat offenders and the like. However, a nagging feeling in the pit of his stomach had him thinking this woman wasn’t an alien. While the program was meant to be used on them, it could be used to track anyone - including humans. But, why would M want to watch a human?

He peeked at his partner’s face and his eyebrows rose to his hairline. She was staring at the screen like there was nothing else on the planet. Her eyes followed each and every movement like it was a beautiful symphony. She didn’t want to miss a second. He had never seen her face so soft. Her eyes held emotion. The only thing he had ever seen in her eyes was frustration, amusement, and anger. Otherwise, they were stoically blank. Now, however, there was, dare he say, want. Yes, it was want. There was also need

Was there love?

When people joined MIB, they left behind whatever lives they had before. Whoever they were, whatever they did, it was gone. They ceased to exist. His name used to be Daniel Jenson. Now, he was simply Agent D. No record of existence, no fingerprints, nothing. It wasn’t too hard of a change. While he worked for the NYPD, he didn’t have any family left, and barely any friends. No one who would miss him or who he would miss. But, what about M? Were these people from her past? People she missed

“Ask it.”

D jumped a little at the sudden words. He blinked. M hadn’t even turned around. “What?”

M continued to watch the two play a game of tag in the park, “You’ve been standin’ there for five minutes watching me like some creepy horror flick psycho killer. Clearly you’ve got something to say. Say it.”

He glanced at the screen then back to her, “Who are they?”

M’s jaw twitched, “She’s someone I used to know.”

He nodded, “How’d you know her?” His curiosity could get the better of him sometimes. It was how he ended up with MIB. Besides, considering he didn’t know much about M, he wasn’t going to pass up an opportunity to know more about the woman he spent so much time with. They were basically each other’s family now.

M’s gaze dipped as the woman laughingly fell to the ground, the child hopping on top of her in a hug. “I always liked space. The stars were the only thing that I wanted to learn about. I hated science, but I loved to look up at the galaxy.”

D stayed quiet.

“Agent J recruited me. They didn’t need to do much, I was already meant to be dead.”

D’s brow rose again, but he let her talk. He wasn’t going to interrupt.

M sighed, “I’ve done more with MIB then anyone ever thought I could. None of them will ever know about it.”

“What about her?” D lifted his chin toward the screen.

M flipped the screen off, “I doubt she even remembers I existed.”

D frowned, but M had already stood up and was walking toward the coffee machine.

all my children, one-shots

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