Well, you know, I'll try my best at any rate. MBP is kind of like a snake...apart from having the ability to bite itself on the ass, it goes through molting periods. People leave, people arrive, people return, people leave....now I'll break into a few choruses of "The Circle of Life" because that will make Stephen laugh and he needs to laugh.
Back in Montreal for a brief stay...heading back to New York later today. I performed "Quand Vous Mourez Des Nos Amours" with Mom and Aunt Anna at Gala Excellence La Presse for Radio-Canada television. If you have the Canadian release of Want Two, it's one of the 2 bonus tracks I included to try to make up for the fact that the Canadian iTunes store didn't exist when Wanting For a Want came out. La Presse is one of the French papers in Montreal. It was a nice little event...certainly not the Golden Globes, but I can't be everywhere at once, after all.
There's such a buzz in Montreal these days, it's really amazing. For awhile there, the only decent music coming out of this city was...well...me, and Melissa was all famous for being recruited by Hole, and the Doughboys got to tour with Nirvana and such. There were a few good bands (Jacynthe, Voivod and Garou don't count!), but not much of a scene, so to speak, like there is in Toronto, Vancouver or Halifax.
But now it's just a hotbed, and I'm really amused because even though Montreal has a huge Anglo population, it's still a Quebecois city and therefore full of resentful separatists who spit on all that is Anglo. Yet there seems to be such a strong musical connection with England.
Elton John has been waving my banner and gifting me with jewelry and public kisses for a few years now.
Morrissey hand-picked
The Dears to open for him on tour, which is just fabulous, because it's probably the only thing that was able to knock Murray Lightburn off his high horse for even a few minutes. I heard a rumour that he cried upon receiving the good news. But don't call me on that. Murray wants to be Morrissey soooo bad. When I heard "Lost in the Plot" on the radio for the first time, I really thought it actually was ol' Mozzer, but no, just a Montreal fanboy.
And now David Bowie has proclaimed
The Arcade Fire to be his new favourite band. I mean, my god. Can you imagine being 24 years old and finding out that Bowie is your biggest fan? But I have to admit, they're fucking incredible. Damn them, anyway. The press is lining up to kiss their asses and how it made me long for the halcyon days of the late 90s when I was the toast of the town.
Not that I'm doing badly, mind you. But you can only be the hot new thing once. At least I milked it for all it's worth. Even had the rehab visit to show for it. Only I had "bronchitis" as opposed to Lindsay Lohan's "exhaustion." Tomato, tomahto, sweeties.
Fuck, I have to pack when we get home. So excited to go to Sydney, but my brain is having trouble adjusting to the fact that I'm about to enter a summer climate. Can't wait, yet it's hard to conceive when it's minus a billion out here and I need a team of huskys to go to the dep to buy cigs.