I've been so delinquent in my posting lately... if it wasn't for Stephen's wonderfully detailed and beautiful posts, you'd probably all think I was dead... or back in rehab, at least.
I don't have time to say much right now... I just wanted to say hello. And to thank people for nominating myself and Stephen for the
must_be_rawr awards. It's.... wow... flattering :)
And one of my icons got nominated, too! How fabulous. So, of course I have to update with it now.
Hello to the new people who've added me... part of my deliquency involved me not noticing new journals on my list (seeing as I have about 100 dead ones on there, too). So thanks for hanging around until I got around to housekeeping.
The shows are going great, and having Stephen here... well... I guess it's pretty obvious to most how great that has been. I get nervous about being ridiculously happy all the time... it's not in my nature, nor his, but we're hanging in just fine so far ;)
Love you all, and I'll write something big, dirty and emo really soon. Scouts honor!
Ok, I was never a Scout... but trust me, I look hot in the uniform.