Why Restart LJ + My Routine + Salcedo Village Post "Lockdown"

Mar 17, 2020 19:07

This morning I invited some old LJ friends to re-activate their old LJ IDs, and to start writing again.

A number of them have not surprisingly discovered that their accounts have be discontinued (is the LJ-term purged?) or that they may exist but they have no access to it anyway as these are linked to e-mail addresses of which they don't have access to either. My suggestions was for them to simply sign-up for a new account, but there seems to be some level of reservation. I guess if they can't write as their old personas / avatars in LJ, then it is less interesting to do so?

I ask them anyway to write, not so as to re-create the old cliques, relive the old experiences. Rather, I am just curious to read and hear about people's thoughts and lives from today, but not governed by the oppressive and subconscious needs to get likes / shares, and other quantitative forms of approval. Also, there would be little to no criticism that one has joined an 'essay contest'. It's a little ironic coz the essay contest online has been around longer than the pithy one liner, and the trending #hashtag. There was a time when photos and videos were hard to come by. People could get a richer glimpse of who you were based on what you write. . .

But whatever people decide to do, that would be fine.

* * *

I've been cooking a lot more. Here's my routine.

1. Wake-up
2. Prepare breakfast -- coffee + oatmeal / croissant / toast
3. Relax a bit / check social media, e-mail
4. By 8AM (more or less) get into the shower, and dress in work clothes
5. 830 AM, into the dining room, the "work area"
6. 830 AM to 1130AM (thereabouts) --> "WORK"
7. Around 1130AM -- headout for my daily sun, outdoor routine, which is go to the neighborhood grocery store and buy the fresh food I need for the day -- (I actually have gone often enough that it makes sense for me to keep a running grocery list of what I will need next)
8. Lunch break -- prepare lunch or heat up what was cooked from dinner the night before (I'm learning new recipes, and gaining confidence using the oven, preparing vegetables)
9. 1:30 PM - start again for work, and until about 4:30 - 5:30 PM (problem is I get up less! and drink less! dehydration is more of a problem ironically now that I'm at home)
10. 5:30 PM -- start preparing for dinner, and eating dinner
11: 6:30 to 7:00 PM, depending on how complicated dinner is -- start to wind down, which I'm trying to think would be a combination of: reading something, writing something, studyin something, watching something
12. 8:30 PM -- sometimes I get on my indoor tri bike and start pedalling, this last for about an hour
13: 9:30-10:00 PM -- evening shower
14. At about just before 12 midnight, I start getting sleepyto and hope to hop into bed

-- and that's the routine.
Routine above is also filled with: social media breaks, phone calls to anxious co-workers, friends, family, and other distracting things, which happens even if you're at home and in a controlled environment

* * *

It is possible to walk around Salcedo Village during the day time (I haven't tested the night time yet). And I do keep a wide berth from people on the side walks. It's a little more easy to hear the birds in the morning (isn't this the theme in the lockdown journals everywhere?), and I still hear traffic outside my window (though less amounts of noise; still the motors are loud, and HONKING. it can e an apocalypse and there will be fucking hocking in Manila, unless it's a Zombie Apocalypse and we're all undead, but actually no, the Zombies will be honking while driving their Zombie trucks.

I've gotten attached to my local grocery, and I'm glad that the staff live nearby (Makati area), and they have a service to bring them in and out. They disinfect everyday (it seems), and they have fresh vegetables delivery today. I know this is not the experience in most places. . .my heart aches sometimes. . .


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