Jan 19, 2011 01:25
aba this wasn't fire fire in the hall the bombs that fall thew thri fremistostle i went to your funeral yesterday did you yeah i loved it it was a laugh ter laughter isn't becoming of you and you masturbated at my funeral i saw yu you stirets believe that when i'm watching i see moths in the wandapan all around the windowpane is she over on Cook by Dane and Dave and Christiamarina beb tostito french fries with cetchup isn't this the way you always go out topad thissn't my way the finger in the pupil of your eye your arm is missing did you make that guillotine i'm washing in thin seperate thatans belivesn mey owne yus that looking like WORDS belives belives my way not so fucking fucking fucking people up the stairs is athen be greek be greek geek this jew is fathoming inside by monk bed how do they do it pot from your eyes the mini lense of time is watching you masturbating twice in a row and now thinking about men you googled in your free time on work break this is the end of it all and you shouldn't be doing that under the casket under the skywall the falling straight down to fit into a craton on the moon the messenger of the sun with the sky's name written in milking ways feremistole is the last time i told you i told you i TOLE PAINTIng this is gonna get me over the skylls of mad men like Snoop Dog who's always watching me masturbating at his funeral with ass to die for and eyes like skittley pops remember those icecrems used to get that wore those triangles that are hard to describe but if you know em you know that asian who regended that murdered but he was three against one and they kills him i should watch Jon Steward before bed it is always this bed is it always this late of night when i'm supposed to get up in the morning to go watching them drop bombs on GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS cheerleaders faces that is the last time i watching the television in my onesie with the lamps all turned off except for that bleue ones that freop the dizzle lizzle shizzle for bizz nuts on my plane on my plane on a plane those big DIRTY fucking get them on me stay forever I don't know who you are but I love the way the icicle falls on the fuzz around your NIPPLES nipoodles nippoodles in the sumer or summer or wintertime remember when you used to work there it was dirt and that guy came and approached me in the park he was standing behind a tree and he had three boners and he felt lightheaded, but he asked me if i was drang manga drawing animae iname inames felstiostic but he told him i told him that i was seeing SOMEBODY SEEING but I wasn't i just made it up because really i was trying to have sex with a beautiful man with tits but i was afraid to take his shirt his shirt losnos freanking snally smot thrust from my ankles down to my arms my knees I bent too many times I BENT TOO MANY TIMES today wanking down to Churchill Square and then ever the valley the streaks down there from slides like shits in underwear.