brigitte: my mom keeps poking her head in here, i think she thinks i'm going to sneak out...
kt: ya know what you should do!!
brigitte: what?...*long pause*
kt: oh sorry...uh...oh you should like turn up your radio and open your window and slam it shut run to your closet and hide...then when she comes in...pop out and she'll be like wtf are you doing and you be like...there was a my closet...
brigitte: omg i'm gonna do it..
::hears bb slam window and run and laugh::
*door opens, bb laughs, bb's mom looks out window, face turns blank..eyes wide*
kt: whats goin on??
brigitte: *laughing* its just a joke mom, i'm right here
bb's MOM: thats not funny...the alarm is going to go off next time its on...its not funny *feeling like a dumb fuck* *says in spanish* stop eating shit brigitte
brigitte: *laughs* i thought it was funny...ya been punk'd
holy shit that was funny...oh man...i have great ideas!/