Tucker Carlson's Retreat from Moscow (notes from the Schadenfreude Express)

Mar 15, 2008 15:08

OK, this is my last post of the day I promise but I couldn't resist.

Tucker Carlson, that formerly bow-tied purveyor of far-right hysteria and cant has been cancelled yet again. This time from MSNBC.

This brings the total by my count to THREE the number of supposedly-compelling right-wing TV shows that Carlson has run into the ground. Could we be looking at Tucker Carlson's own personal "Retreat from Moscow"?

The canceled shows are as follows:

Crossfire (2004): following getting pwned by Jon Stewart (the interview is available still on youtube and viewed over a million times), CNN basically canceled Crossfire.

Tucker Carlson (2005): as part of the Bushies attempts to nobble public broadcasting, Carlson was brought in to bring "balance" to the notoriously "liberal" PBS (most particularly Bill Moyer's stirling work on Now). Moyers is still around, Now is still around (hosted by David Brancaccio), and Carlson's show was cancelled after less than a year on air. Well of course, liberal panty-waist, nature documentary-watchers aren't going to support hard-hitting conservative jurnalizm are they??

And Finally, Tucker on MSNBC. Following the "setbacks" at CNN and PBS, Carlson was hired to bring "balance" to "notoriously liberal" MSNBC (and yes my tongue IS in cheek here). The show deuted in June of 2005. Carlson ditched the bow-tie in 2006 just in time to come out against the Iraq War, once again demonstrating his convincing ability to sense the mood of the US electorate before even they themselves knew it.

After 3 years of mindless drivel and partisan hackery, MSNBC finally pulled the plug on Carlson, but not before he'd embarrassed himself further by appearing on "Dancing with the stars" and spending most of his time sitting in a chair during his supposed dance routine, and bumblingly learning to "play" various Olympic Sports.

Of course, like Dixie, Freddy Kreuger and the notion that "we can win in Iraq", Tucker will probably "rise again". Even though he believes that Fearless Leader is "not a true conservative", Tucker seems to share Failed-President Bush's cockroach-like ability to survive mishaps that would ruin the career of a normal human being.

Oh by the way, John Gibson another right wing "journalist" who has had an appalling career of spouting racist, homophobic and anti-poor rhetoric was also cancelled by FOX NEWS (of all people), this week.

All in all I think a little chipperness is called for today. Bring forth the dancing girls (anarcho-syndicalistally unionized and with health-care, housing subsidies, educational benefits and 24 hour child-care bien entendu)

politics, schadenfreude, the man

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