wtf ASU ? (part deux)

Apr 12, 2009 00:40

adantamystic alerts me to the upcoming half-apology from ASU: They are sorry that people are upset about their unwillingness to award Obama (or anyone else) an honorary degree this spring so instead they're re-naming a scholarship fund in the President's honor.

Well, woopdedoo and call me Charlie.

First of all, where do these herberts think they are addressing any of the sense of condescension they displayed in the first place by re-naming an existing scholarship program in the man's honor. This is not a substantive move. It reeks of an administration, not particularly capable in itself, scrambling to save face while steadfastly admitting to no wrongdoing in the first place but feeling defensive and unapologetic at the same time.

Is anyone else out there struck by the parallels with RaceFail?

Secondly, the "he hasn't done anything worthy" argument has STILL not been addressed. Even right wingers point out that the President has academic qualifications up the wazoo. University presidents routinely award one another honorary doctorates when they are chosen as commencement speakers. In what universe does being a university president outrank being the President of the United States?

Thirdly. Oh forget it. I'm done with passive-aggressive white people. ASU officially joins the list of institutions that should be set banned from intellectual discourse like Bob Jones University (no inter-racial dating), Liberty University (jerry falwell, founder) and that wingnut factory that produced all those Alberto Gonzales clones (Regent University).

wtf?, teh stupid, the man

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