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fa_hab_u_lous October 29 2005, 14:45:41 UTC
Hopefully you have Photoshop and ImageReady...if not, I'm really sorry for wasting your time. T_T
The first pic...I can't really read that anyway. *runs and hides* I think that's just one of those pictures...:( Maybe, if you know what it says, you can get a font similar to it and make an icon with those words on it. :)
The icon you made with #2 is fabulous...I would take it if I wasn't already chock full of icons. XD
The bird icon looks fine, but saving as .png usually makes it clearer. :)
For the diary picture, you could make a square around the entire thing, crop it, and make a 100x100. Then, since the text is to small to read, take the original picture and crop out the text nearest to the photo. Resize that so that its width is 100 (Go to Resize Image, then type in 100 for the larger #). After that, get the original image again, and use the lasso tool to crop out the second part of it. Making the width 100 pixels makes it too small, so just paste that beneath the diary. Paste the part that you just pasted onto the image and crop out the "not about me" (that's the part that got cut off for me) and past it underneath the "they are." You may have to adjust the color a little bit to make it blend. Go to Layer>Merge Down to make those two one layer. Next, click on the last button on the tools menu and you'll be switched to ImageReady. When you get there, click on the eye next to the top layer *prays you know what I'm talking about*. There's an animation menu on the bottom left corner: look at that and press the button that looks like a little white sheet of paper. Now you have a new animation slide. Click on the top animation layer and then you'll have the next slide. To time it, click on the place on the place under the slides (on the animation menu) where it says "0 sec".
Icon #7 is another one of those icons that should be saved as a .png. :)
The lost kitten one...if you crop out just the poster, then it should be fine. It's only one pixel away when you crop out the poster, and then you can go to Image>Image Size and resize it. :) Again, saving it as a .png helps a lot. It makes a really cute animated icon if you have ImageReady. :)
I think the diary one looks fine. It's just a bit blurry, and you can fix that by sharpening it. If you go to Sharpen Edges, it's not as extreme of a sharpen, because for me sharpening it was too much. :) I like how you put the picture right by the diary. :)

I hope this helps, and I hope you don't hate me now. >.<
And, oh yeah, I have a lot of tutorials in my memories section that would make these icons look even cuter. And, there are also a lot of brushes and stuff in there too...just remember to credit their makers. ^-^


dodelida October 29 2005, 15:57:45 UTC
NO!, of course I don't hate you :P I'm really glad you took time to help me:) Uhhm I don't really know what image ready is..but does it come with Photoshop? I'm not that good on teh photoshop you see, but I'm learning, I'm learning. Thanx so much for all your great tips i will save them forever :P But I have one more question..brushes that you find on the internet..how do you use them in the Photoshop? I have Adobe Photoshop Elements..can u use the things you said in that?


fa_hab_u_lous October 29 2005, 16:02:58 UTC
haha, I'm so afraid of offending people. ^-^ I'm so glad I was helpful. :D

I have PS7, and I think ImageReady comes with that. I don't have Photoshop Elements, but the way I do brushes is that I open it up, then click on "Define Brush." Click on the brush tool in the document you're working on, then scroll all the way down and click on the last one (it's always the last one for me). I'm sure there's an easier way, but that's the way that I do it. ;) You could always go to one of the icon tutorial communities and look through the memories, if what I said doesn't work. There are some on my userinfo, or friends page. :)


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