Best Oneshot Fiction
1st -
Chrysalis by Neisha
1st -
Paradox by Drake Clawfang
2nd -
Tainted Darkness by Neisha
Best "In-Character" Fiction
1st -
The Color of Hope by Neisha Character:InuYasha
2nd -
The Monster At the Door by britedark Character: Inuyasha
3rd -
These Old Bones by Britedark
Best Romance Fiction
1st -
This Sesshoumaru Burns... by Duchess Of Darkness
2nd -
A Trick of Fate by PristineUnGift
Best Ficlet
1st -
Her Fault by Oroyukae
2nd -
Not Anymore by Paynesgrey
Best Humorous Fiction
1st -
Her Fault by Oroyukae
2nd -
Great Minds by Aiffe
Best InuYasha/Kagome Romance Fiction
1st -
Separation by King Baka
2nd -
The Color of Hope by Neisha
Best Lemon
1st -
Beyond the Silk Sceen by eien-no-basho
Best Drama Fiction
1st -
Shikuro - A Caribbean Fairytale by Inuama Asahi Da
1st -
To See the Unnoticed When Blind by tearsofacrescent
2nd -
Birds of a Feather by Aviel
Best Angst Fiction
1st -
Irresistible by zandrellia
Best AU/AR Fiction
1st -
Shikuro - A Caribbean Fairytale by Inuama Asahi Da
1st -
Twisted Hearts by Eternal fire1
2nd -
Splintered Realities by kanna37
Best Dark Artwork
1st -
Loss by Adulation
2nd -
Spiders III by Nolven
Best Kiss Artwork
1st -
Surprise Kiss by Adulation
2nd -
Scar by Mikokikyu105
Best Heterosexual Artwork
1st -
Finding Time by
SangoXMiroku132 (aka Sango-wa-Taijiya)
2nd -
Forgive Me by DN Silence
Best AU/AR Artwork
1st -
With the Rain (Title Page Preview 3) by Yoruzukii
2nd -
inuyasha and kagome aged 5 by bagsybabe
3rd -
The Little Merman by Red Shooting Star
Best Group Depiction
1st -
Swords by Allagea
2nd -
Inuyasha Group by Reenigrl
Best Humorous Artwork
1st -
You're a Christmas Tree by Animaker131
2nd -
Pimp Daddy by Patches365
Best Romance Artwork
1st -
Dark jewel 01 by Nolven
2nd -
Mukashi-no-Koi-uta- by Devikuro
Best Character Portrait
1st -
Kikyou- A Beautiful Miko by Cati-Art
2nd -
Inuyasha, here doggy by Roots-Love
2nd -
New Commission : D by xong
Best Overall Artwork
1st -
New commission : D by xong
2nd -
In the Sky Wallpaper by FanasY
2nd -
Sesshomaru and Rin by mintkim
Best InuYasha/Kagome Romantic Artwork
1st -
Never Let Me Go by sarumanka
2nd -
Lonely Backs by Juney Chan
2nd -
Tomorrow by Aryndiel
Best Yaoi/Yuri Artwork
1st -
At the Mercy of Jakotsu-Sama by Mette-Miko
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