Hey all, been a long time again. Hope somebody still reads this stuff.
New demo reel:
http://youtube.com/watch?v=VBhfq6D8o6k and, this is what has been going on in my head recently. I made a comment to my mother about how we as individuals are propping up evil around the world, so here is her response to that and then my rebuttal:
I think you're really missing the point I was trying to make before.
Would it be "Christian" to work at a job where 10% of your time was spent torturing and killing innocent people? Of course not, but this is exactly what we are working for in our society. The fruits of our labor are fueling the spilling of blood and tears of entire nations.
Jesus spoke of peace and loving your neighbor...of turning your other cheek - the US has not done that. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. Peace starts in the heart, but if the hand does not act out in peace, is our heart really full of peace? If we prop up rulers who act agasint our will, and agasint what is right and just...and do so in our name with resources we have made available to them, the guilt must rest only on our shoulders. Gandhi said "you must be the change you wish to see in the world".
"Give to Caesar what is Caesar's" - this doesn't apply in our case, as "we the people" are Caesar. This is a government for the people by the people, representing and acting on our behalf - or at least it should be. If there is an executioner waiting for you to hand him the gold to buy the sword...if you hand over the gold, enabling the execution, then you of course are responsible.
The US has become crippled by the greed of corporate fascism to act out. Our wars are fought on the behalf of wealthy corporations. When 70% of our tax dollars go towards killing poor people in far away lands so we can benefit our economy, it is time to ask what we are working towards as a people. Our nation was founded on genocide...we condemn that and say it could never happen again - but look what is going on. (note: this has been going on since WW2)
I feel especially responsible - as I am working for both the government that is doing the murder and the government that is funding the murder (China). But, I guess you could say that I'm bought and paid for by the system too.
There is no perfect system, and no matter what we do there will be horrible things done that we helped enable, but that isn't a good enough reason to fight against the system.
I will leave you with this final quote:
"There is no path to peace. Peace is the path". - Mahatma Gandhi
On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 11:37 PM, Linda Hodgens wrote:
I think that governments have tried trhoughoutthe ages
to rule well. Even Marx had the vision of a fair
government that would produce and equal society.It did
not work out this way, and never can.This is not
possible on earth because man is ultimately corrupt. I
think that America's original premise sought to impose
the systems that would protect its people from evil
rule and give its citizens justices God endows. Even
then, we find ourselves in wars and entanglements
killing our enemies, our babies, and fostering systems
of corruption. Our 'just' system has failed. Yes, we
should speak out against it, but, our lives are not
ultimately fashioned by it.
We may find our lives under the government while we
abide on earth. Should we spend our lives opposing
these evils? Maybe some are called to this. Or, should
we spend our lives living justly by caring for the
ill, improsoned, our elderly, the disadvantaged, etc.
Jesus said, when you do this to the least of these,
you do it unto me. but, he did not just speak of a
social gospel, but a gospel of truth, in which he is
the ONLY spiritual Truth. This is the stumbling block
for most people. You cannot take generic Jesus. You
have to take the authentic Jesus on his terms. If so,
your life is not your own, and you are not just
helping people in a social gospel, but assisting them
by enlightening them of His spiritual Truth.
This is the self-government Jesus speaks
of---aliageance to Him. Jesus never spoke of opposing
Roman leaders, but said, to give to Caesar what is
Caesars. He spoke of eternal life, and recognizing
your own sinfulness. He spoke of living totally for
him and his kingdom which has no end. It seems Jesus
spoke of a spiritual gospel which interacts socially.
Since social needs can be met by the government, we do
also become intwined in those affairs. Anyhow...enough
for now...Love mom