
Apr 06, 2007 23:42

I went this morning to yet another library (about the only one open on a Good Friday in Argentina) and I had to stand another lecture about how they're not making reservations for Harry Potter until we're closer to the release date, how much trouble it is for them, blah blah blah.
 Now I'm going to get stuck with the american version (I 've got nothing against America, it's just I WANT THE ORIGINAL ONE) like the  last time and all because a bunch of people, with some ultra-fast computers that they are too stupid to use anyway,  refuse to move their asses long enough to enter my name in the stupid thing. 
To make matters worst my hair smells like fish (it is customary in latin america to fast during Good Friday and take only one meal which usually consists of some sort of fish dish, specially one called Empanadas de Vigilia) and my DVD died on me and refuses to read anything we put on it. My dork brother insists it "caught" dyslexia (no offense meant to people with any kind of learning disorder).
Well, I have to go now, I've got to prepare three lessons for tomorrow morning and finish reading a few fanfiction I found that seem to be worth the little time I've got to spare... you'll hear about them soon if they're any good.
Ps: If, by any chance, you want to know a little bit more about Good Friday go here.

harry potter, rant

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