Jun 18, 2009 15:27
Elvis Costello was a major disappointment. Rasta Thomas' Bad Boys of Dance, however, was quite a riot. A hilarious mix of modern dance and Chippendale's. Huey Lewis tonight, I'm hoping it will at least be entertaining.
Right now I'm only working weekends at the golf course, because it's only open to members as of now. Hopefully I'll get more hours in July. These trips aren't going to pay for themselves.
I appreciate the downtime that summer brings, but sometimes I wish I had more to do during the day. After I pick up the baby amp from home/get the mic replacement, I'll probably be more productive. But until then, and until NOI is over, I can't really do much practicing/recording. My room is slowly coming together...I think I have too much shit.
I appreciate so much the friendships that stay the same no matter how much time has passed and how much of that time's been spent with or without each other. Andy saw RuPaul at the Pride Parade. I am so jealous, but oh so happy that he's finally come out. It makes everything more fun.
My sister got mugged last night at the Largo Metro. Apparently she screamed and people noticed and then one of the two idiot kids got caught by a cop while running away. And that's the latest family news. This is not my sister's month, though Tuesday was her birthday.
I'm getting my tattoo next Monday I think. What a day that will be.
I'm ready for some parties. I'm also beyond ready to be 21.