There's a scary guy running around. Everyone better be careful.
(( OOC; For the record, Tenko is dressed up as
The King, but he's going to pretend it's someone else (possibly Fugue once it's over? :D;). Also, he'll be doing the King's whole..."giving you money" reverse pick-pocket to confuse people, but at the same time will steal something off
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[ooc: SO. Lucy wants to find this King and kick his ass. :D~~ And get back Chosen's gem. ^^]
(( OOC; Knowing of her slight bloodlust, Tenko gives her the wrong directions o-o;;; ))
[ooc: haha XD;; Smart lad he be.]
(( OOC; To avoid getting his ass handed to him by a girl half his size? Yes. ))
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