Feb 15, 2005 10:49
well I saw Miho last night, she seems well, we went bowling, I got second place(from the bottom :_:) we then tried to see a movie but alas it was 11 and there are no midnight showings during the week. so we went to lotteria(suprisingly it was open) but the pericura was out of order(why was the universe against us last night) anyway we all got bubble tea,(go cherry)
ányway so I have to be extra energetic today because I ate so many things that were bad for me (:_:)
oh Rechal I read vibrator company, GREATEST MANGA EVER @_@ particularly the exchanging of vibrators lol
I cant wait for chapter 2 to come out lololloolololl never have I ever see such a hularious porno
anyway ttygl