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silent_soprano March 9 2015, 18:58:02 UTC
Not gonna lie, Felicity's pretty cool....but I think a good case can be made for Peggy. Aside from her awesome vintage fashions, combat experience, and low-key wit, if you watch the Agent Carter series, she's the sort of woman we see too little of, a woman who's grieving. Not over some generic crush we either never see, or who was introduced to be disposed of in a couple of episodes, but over Captain America, (introduced to us in a major film, and acknowledged in universe as a pretty good guy). She's heartbroken, and sometimes haunted--but far from helpless.

Peggy Carter isn't looking to climb to the top, or right every wrong through anachronistically strong armed feminism. When we first see her in the series, she's trying to prove an old friend's innocence. She doesn't demand adoration, just the respect that is her due.


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