Notes from the call center...

Sep 07, 2007 19:38

Easy as pie. I have not had a single student for the last two weeks and i still got paid oodles. All i do is surf dev art and LJ,  troll some music and eat and drink free pantry junk. They say it'll get busy and bad real soon. Ugh. Oh well, just till a grad school calls me back... *cough Simmons cough*...

If you have MSN, add me, search I'm on 7-11 pm. It's all I can get to work.

In the background I write, trying to fill the massive blankness of a portfolio which bobs, much like a boat without a sail. I have one or two concepts or things lying about and a number of semi finished childrens lit stuff on my shelf. I'd not mind some feed back. If you have a minute or two where you're too tired to play with yourself, let me know with an email address and I shall send you some bits, but only if you promise to comment on it.

I've had a few ideas die on me. Or to test a pottery metaphor; "the clay gets tired. you use water to create slip, which is like mud essentially, and it makes it pliable and easier to work with. you get to bend it this way and that, you use tools to shape and to compress the clay into the shape you want. but if you take too long then the clay gets tired, and too soft to work with."

I am reminded of Ray Bradbury's notes in his semi-autobiographical bit Dandelion Wine...
This book, like most of my books and stories, was a surprise. I began to learn the nature of such suprises, thank God, when I was fairly young as a writer. Before that, like every beginner, I thought you could beat, pummel, and thrash any idea into existence. Under such treatment, any decent idea folds up its paws, turns its back, fixes its eyes on eternity, and dies.

I think i posted this already. But lately I find myself repeating myself repeating myself repeatring myself and not dreaming as much as I like.

I still daydream plenty. Always comic ideas. Always how I'd do a current series better or how I would bring back so and so. None I really feel like bringing to fruition. Last Tuesday, before my GRE exam, I had a daydream for a new Cloak and Dagger series. 11 launches and 11 failures. I could be lucky 12. like Judas...

I have this one idea, that has flat lined a total of 5 dozen times in 5 years. Normally, I'd call a code (blue) and start chest compressions on it, blaming other doctors for the multiple organ failure it was going through. As soon as I got a normal sinus rhythm, I'd bring in the ventilators and hunker down for the next episode. A few weeks ago, I decide it was time to let go. And I did. Then, miracle of miracles, it started to breath on its own. I started to wonder if all the mouth-to-mouth I had been administering had really just gotten in the way. Now it's huffing along magically; all aces and peaches and creams. We shall see how it does after some physical therapy and medication.


pantry break. There's free coffee, coke, and juice. Gizmo heaven? Yes, please.

more to come.

run away!

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