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Mar 29, 2006 00:38

Video Game Meme! (c/o scrotumnose)


♥ What was the first video game you have ever played?
that'd be the JUNGLE JIM game on Atari. i'm not actually sure it was called that, but it involved jungle trials like swinging from vines and avoiding crocs. just like Steve Irwin. CRIKEY!

♥ What was your first console?
Family Com. Green Berets fo EVAH!

♥ Have you ever visited a video game arcade?
i once finished Time Crisis two with a girl friend. we saved up and bought like a million credits and played and played and played and played till we beat it. when the digital dust settled i turned to her and said: "was it good for you," and she just smiled and said "very." what's loff? team arcade gamez iz loff.

♥ What was your first handheld?
exculding silly memories of game and watch and other cheap knockoffs... game boy. the tetris fever got so bad i had dreams of blocks moving in my head. still do sometimes.

♥ What was the first game you've beaten/cleared completely? (Got to the last level/got 100%/beat high score, etc.)
Dude. Green Berets with my brother. then Contra. alone? SPARTAN X!

♥ Games based off of real sports: Yay or Nay?
Yay. but only for the team game value. TECMO SUPERBOWL DAVID! SHAME ON YOU!

♥ Online games: Yay or nay?
so much Yay! it's a little sad.

♥ Do you play any Massively Multiplayer Online RPG games? (MMORPGs?)
not really. on and off. but know some folks in the industry who promised me awesome items if i ever started. ;)

♥ Do you play any virtual pet games? (Neopets, Teripets, Aftermathzone, etc.)
i was lent one (neopet) by my cousin over an afternoon. it loved me more than her after those 4 long hours.

♥ Puzzle games and Strategy games: Yay or Nay?
Maniac Mansion is love.

♥ Do you play any RPGs?
stupid question. yes margaret.

♥ Do you play any Platformer games?
not as much as i'd like. i'm bad at them. the slower the game, the better. RPG's!

♥ What was the first game/console/handheld of yours that stopped working?
STAR WARS for the family comm. i kept doing that 5 cent coin trick and the console died on us. then i plugged the new one in the wrong socket. that was a bad year as i recal.


♥ Do you actually care if a game has a plot or do you just play games for the gameplay?
Plot is gog to me really. don't play a lot of consoles, so it must be good. worship it. Katamari is plotastic! <3

♥ Name a few video game characters that are your favorites.
Oi! too many. but Edgar Figaro is pretty high up there. and Janus/Magus from Chrono Trigger. Kain, the most dangerous Dragoon of all time! (from FF2-american). PALOM AND POROM! STONE!

♥ Name a few series that are your favorites
Early FF before 7 hee hee. Mario Bros. Zelda. Mega Man. Nintendo pwnz!

♥ Has a video game ever made you cry?
i cried a lot in FF2. the twins turning themselves to stone, rosa not loving kain, Wang kicking you out of the room to save you from an explosion, the death of Edge's PG... man. *sniff* OH! FF3 is loaded with tear jerkers. "and he took out his finger and said, what a big girl i am!"

♥ Has a video game character annoyed you so much that you wanted him/her removed from the game?
hurm... good question. hard to say. Vincent from FF7 was a tool. along with the rest of the cast. but mostly him.

♥ Do you "pair" or "ship" characters up with one another? (make/create/write romance involving them)
yiz. i did that all the time on FF3. and who didn't love FF2's Rydia and Edge lovin as well as Rosa and Kain. oh Kain. you're too pretty for her anyway... CELES/LOCKE! TERRA/EDGAR! and did anyone get the feeling that Luca and Frog/Glenn might have had something going? just me? ok then.

♥ Do you write video game fanfiction?

♥ Do you draw video game fanart?
did. not recently and never any good. AMANO!

♥ Do you come up with theories on how a character came to be/what he or she would do in a situation/why he or she is moody/etc.
Loads of times. but i don't write fan fiction. so that's not right... RELM IS THE DAUGHTER OF SHADOW PEOPLE!

♥ Are you a "fanboy" or "fangirl" of any character?
No sir.

Boss Battles/Villains

♥ Hardest Boss Battle
hurm... Magneto. Children of the Atom. that's cause this was probably the first fighting game where i ever reached the boss with no help from anyone. just me, my character and loads of quarters. SPRIAL PWNZ!
but if i reached back, i'd have to say this Batman the Movie game the Japanese made... before you fought Joker at the top of this supah hard clocktower, you had to fight is sidekick... not Bob the goon, i'm talking about that FIRE NINJA! wtf! O_o

♥ Most Frustrating Boss Battle
Street Fighter 3 Zero i think. with Gil in it. the guy who was half fire and half ice... i spent many a quarter on him. to no avail.

♥ Most Rewarding Boss Battle
Konami World! right up to the end!

♥ Most Fun Boss Battle
Argus from Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. David is right. this is one of those boss battles that makes you use ALL the stuff you get along the game. very rare as far as i know...

♥ Most Boring Boss Battle
Can i just make this "most disappointing" and say Kekfa from FF3? all he did was Fallen One and Merton on rare occasions. i was expecting a little more difficulty. that climb up the TOWER was harder. but come to think of it, that's so KEFKA. so strike this...

♥ Boss Battle that dragged out for a long, long time
Konami World! cause after you beat it you had to make a crazy run for the exit. and that was nutzorz. with a capital Zay!

♥ Boss Battle with the coolest music
Kefka! Final Fantasy 3! (again-from David- cause you know it. i know it. you know...)

♥ Most Surprising Boss Battle
every time you fought Vader in that loony Star Wars for the familycom. he turned into stuff! WTF a spider?! WTF, a shark!? what is that? a spear?!

♥ What's your all time favorite villain?
hurm. kinda hard. Kefka of FF3 is an obvious choice. evil is as evil does.

♥ What's your all time least favorite villain?
hurm... no one comes to mind.

♥ Do you ever feel sorry for the villains?
in connection with what David said about General Leo, i felt so sorry for him, i didn't even consider him a villain. Janus/Magus too. he just wanted to see his sister again- even if it cost him the world.

♥ Are there any villains that seem like they should be playing for the good guys, but aren't?
Tie Between General Leo and Golbez.

♥ Most malicious villain
also from David: "Kefka. hands down. He poisoned a lake and killed an entire town full of kids just 'cause. that's not cool. then he annihilated the entire planet. which is even more uncool."

♥ Most suprising villain
Kefka i guess. wow. he really cleans this category out...


♥ What is your all-time favorite 2D Game?
that's like which of my finger i like most. a close one would have to be FF3. i like my right thumb.

♥ What's your favorite 3D game? (PS1/N64 generation)
NWO vs. the World. N64! FOREVER!

♥ What's your favorite arcade game?
Lethal Enforcer. 1 and 2. i played this in over 10 arcades across america.

♥ What's your favorite next-gen game? (Gamecube/PS2/X-Box)
Super Smash Brothers Melee. and True Crime. and FF TActics for the PS1. back in the day.

♥ Sequels/long series: Yay or nay?
Yay! Zelda, Mario, Mega Man. MARIO specifically> nintendo continues to innovate this series to wonderful proportions.. "hey, green guy!"

♥ What's your favorite Online Game?
i used to play too much DOTA. can you believe i kind of think it's actually gotten old? i'm letting my skillz die so i can start from scratch all over again.

♥ What's your favorite console?
SNES i think.

♥ What's your favorite handheld?
GB. original. with all the fixins. light and magnifier attachments!

♥ Have you ever got yourself involved in a "console war"? (arguing that a console is better than another console)
again from David: "YOU WERE EITHER A NINTENDO KID or a SEGA KID IF YOU PLAYED VIDEO GAMES. there was no in between.." amen brother David, amen.

♥ Have you ever defended a character/game/console you liked in an argument? Which one?
Nintendo is all heart man. ALL. HEART.

♥ Name a game that you like but everyone else seems to hate.
hurm. never played THAT much i guess...

♥ Name a character that you like but everyone else seems to hate
hurm... folks i knew didn't like GAU so much. but i loved him. he was one of three who could survive MERTON you buttz!

♥ Name a game that you hate but everyone else seems to like
DAVID loves Mr. Goodbad and Watermelon Bubblegum. and he said: "FF7. this game totally blows. the only thing that blows worse than this is FF8.:

♥ Name a character that you hate but everyone else seems to love.
see above and pick a character. Vincent to be specific...

♥ Have you ever stopped before you finished a game because it was too frustrating to go on?
Nope. but i know games that have sucked so much i just stopped. nothing comes to mind thought.

♥ Will you stop at NOTHING to get 100% in a video game?
yes. and yes. CHRONO STAR STARS FOREVER! and perfecting all classes for my hero in FF Tactics.

♥ Have you ever injured yourself at a video game?
blisters on my thumb. lots of times. NWO vs. the World!

♥ Has a horror/survival genre video game scared you to the point that you refused to finish the game? Did you get nightmares from said game?
nope. and nope nope.

♥ Have you ever thrown a controller/disc/cartridge in a fit of frustration?
no. i am one with the universe. even if it hates me.

♥ Do you need to blow/clean certain games to get them to play?
i did it to diskettes too. even if they were labelled that you shouldn't!

♥ Have you ever played a game for so long that you missed sleep over it?
loads. FF3 and tactics, True Crime and NWO vs the World are high up. hence the early mentions.

♥ Were you ever involved in the Pokemon craze?
i once made a team that was all multiheaded. there are exactly 6 of them. i can't remember all though: Wheezing, DuTrio, Slow(PSI)Bro, i forget the others. but i never actually played that much...

♥ Last but not least: Do you picture yourself playing video games 10, 20, or 30 years from now?
yes. twice.
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