FLW November Brawl: North American Championship on the line!

Nov 29, 2006 21:35

JR: "Hello everybody, and
welcome to FLW's November Brawl!
Tonight we will the FLW World Champion
A.J. Styles defend his title
against the Legendary Great Muta."

JR: "And we start tonight off with an impromtu
North American Title match."

Jesse: "And in this match, North American Champion,
Paul London will defend the title against Kash."

Jesse: "But there's one thing i need to know, Jim Ross;
Paul London? Kash? Since when is the North
American Title division turn into the midget leauge?"


JR: "We are underway! Kash turns the lock
up into a underarm chin lock."

JR: "London trys to reverse it."

JR: "But Kash reverses it and turns
it into a Tornado DDT."

JR: "Kash quick in his movement,
grabs London's leg and put him
into a Single Leg Boston Crab."

Jesse: "Kash turns it into a Backwards STF
submission hold, we may have a new
North American Champion in record time!"

JR: "London makes it up to the ropes
and break up the hold."

JR: "Kash has been into full control of this
match since the bell rung. Kash
stomps away at the champion."

Jesse: "Kash is passionate about proving
himself in FLW, and will give 110% in
this match up tonight."


JR: "Canada's Finest's Secret Weapon: Peaty Williams
makes his way into this match! Is he even
a part of it?"

Jesse: "and he's about to perform That
Deadly Move known as the Candian

JR: "That flipping piledriver that Kash
became familiar with a month ago when
Williams used to to help Edge and Christian
gain the FLW Tag-Team Titles."

JR: "Good Gawd! A move like that could snap some
one's vertibre!"

Jesse: "The Candian's are taking over, and
Kash just found out the hard way."

JR: "London back to his feet as Williams
turns around."

JR: "The DropSault sends Williams half
way across the ring."

JR: "Williams is down, Kash is down,
and London heads to the turnbuckle."

Jese: "That 450 Splash has won many
a match for The North American Champion."

JR: "Williams back to his feet,
and attacks the North American

Jesse: "What does the Secret Weapon have in mind here?"

JR: "This does not look good, but it sure looks

JR: "Oh good lord, he's not....."



JR: "What?!? Is that an offical pin?"
Jesse: "Well, it WAS impromtu, you
can't get less unsceduled than that."

JR: "I don't know if he's the champion,
but people are going to have their
hands full if they try to take it
away from Canada's Finest."

Jesse: "Up next, Carlito will put the
"MySpace" Title on the line when
he faces LiveJournal Captain
Scott Hall, and that's next."


north american title, paul london, kash

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