(no subject)

Jun 28, 2005 14:12

Well, my dears...no one even cares about this anymore (and no one ever did). That is beside the point. It has been ages since I've let my fiery wit free online, and I have things to ramble on about.  Ehem...


Yeah, well....mixed emotions.  Definitely, I am glad to be home.  I realized that the elation thrown to me from the HP at graduation was just meant to be a false sense of comfort.  I forgot about the trip!  So, being thrown into a foreign country with over two dozen OTHER  adolescent girls is not necessarily my idea of a vacation.  I have enough hormones myself to try to deal with.  I am so glad that I roomed with the people that I did, Christy, Justine and Erin kept me sane.  They put up with my shit, as I did with their's.  We had an unspoken, mutual understanding.  I got to know Justine quite well, which was fantastic.  I love her so much!  We did so many cool things, and began to feel the experience of living in London.  Sroka was inevitably amazing.  All of the resturants, museums, and tours that he took us to were very cool.  A lot of things that most of us would never have seen, if we had gone on our own. There was tons of drama...I officially became the mom of my flat.  Eileen was so proud of me.  I was actually quite proud of myself.  I dealt with crazy drunk people, while still managing to drink responsibly, handle the inexperienced, and enjoy myself.  I even found myself, taking charge of a situation that was rather serious.  Honestly, it was one of the most defining moments of my life...which sounds really silly, and over dramatic.  I just realized in that moment, as I was holding her head over the toilet, that I was happy.  It was sad that the two of us shared the most sincere moment of our relationship (or lack there of), while she was coming in and out of conciousness.  But that's life.  She remembered nothing in the morning, and that was probably for the best.  It was not something that I wanted to hang onto.  But, ofcourse I was there for her that night.  I would have been for anyone.  You don't let someone stay alone, who can barely walk down the stairs.  That moment, the whole trip, confirmed the choices that I've made.  (NO ONE IN MY CLASS KNOWS HOW TO DRINK!!) I love my friends...the cynicial, the zealously religious, the brutally honest...the crazy people that I spent highschool with.  Yes, indeed...we are mother fucking, insane.  But I love it.  The trip to London would have been different if my close friends had come, but it was still an experience that I will never forget.  Christy, Justine, and Erin were the best ever.  I have tons of pictures.

One more thing on that note....


(Just to keep everyone happy).

Ah, so as I came home, my batch of Hampshire mail awaited me!


We got blacksmithing!

I also got money in the mail for my birthday, so I can go purchase the needed gear for the trip.  I am so broke.

And I started to choose my classes:

My tutorial choices ~ ranging from 1-8

Exploring the Divine Feminine

Love, Sex, & Death

African Development

Sculpture Tutroial

Creative Memoir

Psychology of Writing

Victorian Childhood

Geological Controversies

So, I will be taking one of those.  Through the tutroial I will also be assigned my advisor.  Really hoping for the first one!

From the next 10, I will be assigned three classes.  (My prefrences are ordered, 1-10)

Third World, Second Sex

Intro to Media Criticism

Irony, Agency, Ideology, Pop Culture

Representations of Childhood

Paranormal/Supernatural Phenomenom

History of Love and Dating

Philosophy of Education

Contemporary Ethnic American Writing

Literary Journalism

Revolutionary Ideas in Science

It was really difficult to even begin to narrow my list down to 10.  By the end of Div 1 (first two semesters), I will have taken a smattering of things from Natural Sciences, Cognitive Sciences, Humanities, Social Sciences, and Interdisciplinary.  By next year, I will have a better handle on exactly which route I want to take, although I am quite set on Womens Studies.  How I want to realsitically pursue that, is still questionable.  All I know is that literature is no longer my path.   I figured that out this year, and I am so relieved.

I want to work with adolescent girls.  I want to study gender, and how its definition in society affects the growth of an individual.  Basically,  I want to do soemthing to improve the bias, and judgments rooted in gender definition.


Besides all of that, life is good.

Willow returns home late Sunday night.  She is currently in Scotland, and will be moving towards England as we speak.  We are meeting up next Thursday, which is really exciting.  I miss the conversation, hearing her voice everyday... I can not wait until the fall.

Friends are good.  Eileen and I went out Sunday, which was fabulous.  I got free coffee at SPoT, which was a wonderful, welcome home, sort of occurence.  Casey, Beth, Shannon and Amanda came over last night, and we made smoothies...watched the senior video.  Tonight I am hanging out with Liz and Kim.  This new friend, EJ, and I are grabbing lunch Thursday...and then Erin and I are going downtown.  I work the rest of the weekend.  Christy's party is on Sunday night.  And Willow comes home.  Lots of good stuff.

That's all I have.  Peace.
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