The Perfectionist [7/?]

Jan 24, 2011 21:55

Title: The Perfectionist [7/?]
Author: f_i_x_m_e
Rating: PG-13 for this chapter. (Eventually it will be NC-17)
Summary: Jiyong is the newest producer at YG Entertainment, but his perfectionism prevents him from completing songs.
When he hears the singing voice of the man that lives next door he is immediately enraptured.
Will this be the voice that will finally fit just right in his songs?
Genre: AU, Romance, Humour, Angst
Word Count: 920
Pairings: GTOP
Author Notes: GTOP interaction in this chapter!

1|2| 3|4|5| 6|7

Steam swirled from the cup and dissolved into the air. Soft jazz played, filling the coffeehouse with it's sultry sounds. Jiyong blew softly into his cup of coffee, and took a sip. The hot substance instantly warmed him up. He took a deep breath and opened his notebook to the page he had marked the previous night.

His eyes scanned the page, re-reading the lyrics. Smiling softly, he began to edit and add in more parts. He was proud of himself; this was one of the best songs he had written in awhile. Had the recent events in his life inspired him? That's what he usually drew his inspiration from. But this song was a love song, and he hadn't been in a relationship for awhile.

Slamming his notebook shut quickly, Jiyong looked out of the frost covered window. He saw couples, old and young, walking along the snow covered streets. For once in a long time, Jiyong felt jealous. Living alone with your dog got lonely sometimes. Well, at least he wasn't alone in being a single man with a dog. He could see a man walking his dog across the street. Jiyong squinted his eyes, realizing that the man looked familiar.

Jiyong truly didn't want to believe it was Seunghyun, but his hunch was right. He packed his notebook into his bag and hurried out onto the cold street, tugging his knit hat onto his head. "Yah! Seunghyun hyung!" His call was swallowed by the sounds of cars honking and other people talking. "Aish..." He hurried across the street, causing cars to screech to a stop. "A-ah...sorry!"

Running as fast as he could, Jiyong finally caught up with Seunghyun, and grabbed his arm. "Yah!" Seunghyun turned around, yanking a headphone out of his ear. The dog at his feet begin barking at Jiyong. "...Pretty boy...? Why are you out of breath?" He smirked. "Did you run to catch up with me?" Chuckling, he petted Jiyong's head. Jiyong furrowed his eyebrows. "Yeah, so what? We haven't talked in awhile..." Seunghyun smirked again. "It's been one day...Did you miss me already?"

Jiyong scoffed and pulled Seunghyun aside. "We need to talk. Come with me." Grabbing Seunghyun's hand, he pulled him across the street, back to the coffee shop. "Aish, stop for a second. I need to leave Charlie out here..." Seunghyun stopped, tying the dog to a post. Jiyong had to stop himself form laughing. Charlie? Really? When Seunghyun was done and had given the dog a kiss on the nose, they continued inside, to the bathroom.

Jiyong looked around, making sure no one was inside before he talked. "I want to ask you...What's the meaning of this?" He pulled down his shirt, revealing the remnants of the hickey. Seunghyun's face remained blank. "Yah...We were drunk, alright? Get over it. I fell asleep after I gave you that one, I know that for sure. If anything, I should be suspicious of you." He scowled. "You were still awake. And now that I think of it, my ass hurts." Jiyong's face turned red within 2 seconds.

"W-w-what? Seunghyun, I...I would never..!" He sputtered out in horror. Seunghyun stared at Jiyong for 5 seconds before bursting out in laughter. "You should've seen your...f-face!" He hugged his sides, laughter echoing through the bathroom. "What the fuck?!" Jiyong was confused. It took Seunghyun a minute to compose himself again. "Calm down, man, I was kidding. I fell down the stairs yesterday and hurt my tailbone."

Jiyong just stared in disbelief before sighing deeply. "Don't you ever do that again. I mean it." Seunghyun pouted. "Yah...ruining my fun..." He stomped childishly out of the bathroom, Jiyong not far behind. Seunghyun's behaviour immediately changed back to normal. "Go sit down. I'll buy you something." Jiyong didn't feel like turning down a free drink, even though he had just had coffee, so he did as he was told.

Minutes later, Seunghyun sat down across from a Jiyong, two cups of coffee in his hands. "There you go." he said quietly. After minutes of silence, Seunghyun finally spoke up. "So, I got fired yesterday." Jiyong's eyes widened a bit. "What?" Seunghyun shrugged and sipped his tea. "Yeah...I don't know what happened. But...I have time to take care of Charlie now...He usually stays with my sister." Jiyong nodded. So that was why he didn't see Charlie in his apartment.

Jiyong was stirred out of his thoughts as Seunghyun continued. "But still..." Jiyong didn't quite know why, but he slowly moved his hand to place them over Seunghyun's. The other man reacted by raising an eyebrow slightly, but he didn't say anything. Jiyong sighed. "If you need can come to me, hyung..." He couldn't ask Seunghyun to join him at YG. Not quite yet. Seunghyun smiled, his mysterious eyes lighting up. "Wow...even in your situation...? You're the best..."

Reaching over the table, Seunghyun ruffled Jiyong's hair, completely messing it up. "Yahhhh! Don't!" He promptly fixed his hair. Seunghyun watched, amused. "Aw, but you said anything...and that cheered me up!" Jiyong rolled his eyes, but found it in him to laugh softly. "Ah...well, I should head out soon. I'm supposed to be meeting a friend in a few minutes...But...Thanks for everything, Jiyong." He gave the other man's hand a soft squeeze, smiling. "I'll see you later." And with a wave he was gone.

Jiyong was in shock. Did Seunghyun finally call him by his actual name?

fanfic, pairing: g-top

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