i'm back (:

Jun 14, 2008 18:37

Long time since my last post eh? miss me? xD

Was at Camp Synergy by CARE from the 10th to 12th. On the 9th, there was this briefing for facilitators.. thing was opy and i thought it was a stayover on the 9th. So we happily brought our packed bags to the briefing. Only to find out it was not. -.- so we tried to stay at my aunts house somewhere in tampines. But my dad called me and told me to go home. Apparently, my aunt house is quite ulu in tampines. So its faster to come from home. Opy stayed at my house. We were damn crazy. screaming and all. HAHA and later she daoed me to talk to yc. )): LOL.

At camp, I met my group members: shamil, fadhly, shafiq, andrea, huimin, elaine, nabilah, hidayat and amin. As well as my co facils: iskandhar, alvin and jin yao. Was really impressed by alvin who was the oldest and wisest. He proved that coming from a neighbourhood sec sch didn't matter. What matters is your attitude. Something that I took away from this camp was alvin's methodology. He taught the children that planning and teamwork was crucial to win the game. And he proved it to them. I think teachers should learn from him. Camps are great way to instill values as such, why restrict it to bonding only?

I feel so proud of my kids. I could really see how their attitude slowly changed. It was just amazing. On the surface, they seem rebellious but deep down, they are like normal kids who want to learn and want to be taught. Can't believe the 13 of us actually squeezed into one cubicle of the female toilet for an entire 45mins. Not only was it boring, it was also hot, smelly and tiring. Imagine standing in a cramped position with no space at all to stretch. Plus not being able to talk! My kids did it though. My kids who normally cant sit still for even one minute. Only shows that nothing is impossible. Thank you alvin for the brilliant plan :)

Simple & innocent. Genuine & sincere. These qualities of them brought me undiluted joy. But it also made me sad as I reflected on the kind of people I'm meeting these days. It seems that the better you are.. the worse you are. These students may not be academically inclined, but they definitely have a heart of gold. With proper guidance, I believe they can shine.

After camp, I met up with my cousin sheena. We went to the hair salon for soft rebonding. Suddenly I got a feeling that my previous salon is a cheat. Not sure. But I think they used inferior chemicals. Because my hair became slightly wavy by day 2 unlike this time round. I suspect its because I paid so little ($80) for it. This hair salon wasnt bad. But it was quite ex. Cutting was 40+. I only went there cos there was a promotion. (120 for rebonding and treatment).

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