Jan 22, 2005 17:15
Today was rather good so far, it is supposed to snow extremely hard, so I just hung around and relaxed, havnt donw that for a while, I figured out my camcorder stuff and I am starting a video jounral for me to be able to see myself later on in the future and see ho w much both my viewpoint, attitude, as well as my appearence change of the months or years, howver long I keep doing it. I think I will be taking a bath soon then i will record my first entry.
my cellphone has been on the charger all day and for some reason it is still dead?
i must have donw something wrong with it?
people comment in my journals as if i value their opinions. i dont understand.
also other people talk to me in the hallway and I want to gag.
so ea im off to draw myself a bath. dont call my pphone its dead for some reason.