This is the current list of tags.
Remember to tag all your posts because it allows to keep the community well organized.
If you have some question feel free to leave a comment in this post.
Please, post here only questions about TAGS.
If you think we should add more tags, let us know replying to this thread.
● community: announcements
This tag is for all the staff announcements. Please, if you're not a member of the staff don't use this tag.
● community: news
This tag is for all the news about the community. Please, if you're not a member of the staff don't use this tag.
● community: other
This tag is for all the other things about the community. Please, if you're not a member of the staff don't use this tag.
● community: rules
This tag is for all the rules of the community. Try to read them caredully! Don't use this tag if you're not a staff member.
● f.cuz: birthday
This tag is for the birthdays. Please, don't use this tag if you're not a staff member.
[Read the rules to understand how it works]
● f.cuz: download
This tag is for all the download. Mp3, MVs, performances, albums, singles etc.
Please, remember to lock your download posts.
● f.cuz: lyrics
This tag is for all the lyrics about F.Cuz. Only Korean vrs. and Romaji can be tagged here. Translations have their own tag. You can show the list of lyrics in your post but you have to put them in a livejournal cut.
● f.cuz: mp3
This tag is for all the mp3. As for the downloads, lock your posts when use this tag.
● f.cuz: news
This tag is for all the F.Cuz news. [ex. new albums, new singles, new OSTs etc.]
Remember to credit the sources of the informations.
● f.cuz: pics
This tag is for all the F.Cuz pics. Try to keep them in a livejournal cut.
● f.cuz: translations
This tag is for all the translation about F.Cuz lyrics. You can show the list of lyrics in your post but you have to put them in a livejournal cut.
● f.cuz: video
This tag is for all the videos about F.Cuz. Remember that if you're posting a 'download' of a video you have to use another tag [the f.cuz: download tag]
● fanfictions
This tag is for all the fan fiction about F.Cuz. Please, put them under a cut, except for the summary.
Remember to lock the NC-17, R fics.
● fanvideos
This tag is for all the fan videos about F.Cuz. Please, put them under a livejournal cut.
● graphics: banners
This tag is for the banners. You can only show a little preview in your main post, put the rest in a livejournal cut.
ATTENTION! This tag is only for banners. Wallpaper, icons etc. have their own tag.
● graphics: icons
This tag is for the icons. You can only show three icons in your main post, put the rest in a livejournal cut.
ATTENTION! This tag is only for icons. Wallpaper, banners etc. have their own tag.
● graphics: layouts
This tag is for the layouts. You can only show a little preview in your main post, put the codes etc. in a livejournal cut.
ATTENTION! This tag is only for layouts. Wallpaper, icons etc. have their own tag.
● graphics: other
This tag is for all the other graphic stuff such as Winamp skins etc.
You can only show a little preview in your main post, put the rest in a livejournal cut.
ATTENTION! Check carefully the other tags before post in this tag.
● graphics: wallpapers
This tag is for the wallpapers. You can only show a little preview in your main post, put the rest in a livejournal cut.
ATTENTION! This tag is only for wallpapers. Banners, icons etc. have their own tag.
● member: jinon
This tag is for all the stuff about Jin On. Pics, pre-debut stuff, news about him etc. should be posted here.
● member: kan
This tag is for all the stuff about Kan. Pics, pre-debut stuff, news about him etc. should be posted here.
● member: leeu
This tag is for all the stuff about LeeU. Pics, pre-debut stuff, news about him etc. should be posted here.
● member: yejun
This tag is for all the stuff about Yejun. Pics, pre-debut stuff, news about him etc. should be posted here.
● other: advertisement
This tag is for the community advertisements. Please, read the rules and don't use this tag if you're not a staff member.
● request: lyrics
This tag is for the request about F.Cuz lyrics.
Please, try to make a clear post for your request and be patient if no one answer you immediatly.
Remember to check the older entries before writing a new one.
● request: other
This tag is for all the request that doesn't have a specific tag.
Please, try to make a clear post for your request and be patient if no one answer you immediatly.
Remember to check the older entries before writing a new one.
● request: pics
This tag is for the request about F.Cuz pics.
Please, try to make a clear post for your request and be patient if no one answer you immediatly.
Remember to check the older entries before writing a new one.
● request: translations
This tag is for the request about F.Cuz translations.
Please, try to make a clear post for your request and be patient if no one answer you immediatly.
Remember to check the older entries before writing a new one.
● request: videos
This tag is for the request about F.Cuz videos.
Please, try to make a clear post for your request and be patient if no one answer you immediatly.
Remember to check the older entries before writing a new one.
Last update: 11th January 2010