[Malc needed someone to terrorise and so he went off in search of Columbus, only to discover he's
nowhere to be found.]
So has Christopher Robin fucked back off to the fucking Hundred Acre Wood, then?
Not even two months and one fucking warden already gone. This is better than my first two months in Whitehall.
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Well, I don't have much to lose by telling you. Short version-Mr Dictator wanted to give me-the other me-a fucking pay raise basically for being a gigantic sycophantic tit. When your lad-who was Treasury head-said they didn't have the budget, Crazy Pants said he'd kill off a bunch of tossers to remove them from the financial equation. So Judas said he'd take a pay cut or something to make the pay raise happen without killing people.
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You two sorted? Got the impression things were bumpy there.
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