(no subject)

Dec 10, 2004 18:06

so... today was my first day of being on my new bus, bus 21 and my ne bus stop (zepllin)... with nicole!
i sit with nicole and jade, just like last year. today in social studies i walked right into amanda healey's seat and knocked it over, what a clutz! from then on i knew today wouldnt be my day. in math we had a quiz and i kept getting something wrong on it so mr.hudak kept telling me to fix it but i wasnt sure what exactly it was. then ROTC, worst of all... i was talking to brittany telling her about my new bus and people who are on it. thern she tells me who david is going out with! i couldnt believe it! on the note we were pasing back and forth to eachother said cheyenne was going out with him. i was so upset. exspecialy 3 days before she kept telling me how much of an asshole he was to her all the time. i knew she wanted to be with him ever since me and him and her ent to the movies and came back to my house hen she said she might like david, then i told him and he told me he would never go out with her... well i guess that wasnt true either. anyway on my way out of rotc i said "cheyenne is gunna go down!" then david said something like leave her alone or something but i wasnt listening. so i went up to her and said "Cheyenne, you got bi problems!" she goes "why?" then i asked "who are you going out with?" and she said "none of your business!" and i go "your going out with david, arent you!" and then she goes "get the fuck away from me!" i wanted to fucking hit her in her face! david know's how violent i really am and he know's i would have done it too! but i decided to walk away because a bunch of people started walking over. then my friend nicole was with me the whole time and she said when i was walking away that cheyenne said she was gunna hit her in the face or something. i went to lunch and was so pissed, i told some people that i almost got in a fight with cheyenne, and they said they would want me to win if had a fight. so then i called my mom to pick me up and she called the school and told the secretary that cheyenne was being an ass again to me.
then i had my fone opn and nicole called her dad, he called back and nicole got my fone taken away by ms. steudler, i hate that bitch! she took it away and goes dont try to get it back now either or something like that. so then after lunch nicole called her dad from the attendence office to go home and to trey to get my fone back. and a seretary over heard her talking to her dad about me and cheyenne almost getting in afiht so she goes you should go talk to mrs.soper about this student. so unfortuanetly i had to,even though i thought it was something me and nicole could handle. mrs.soper told me that sometimes student deal with problems the wrong way because teenagers are "un-expirenced" that made me kinda mad that she was calling me--- un-expirenced! then she talked to me about my cell fone so basically i had to go to the office about two stupid things in one day! went to english abd told meg angie and raquel about what happened and the whole office thing. i just didnt want cheyenne to try to turn it around on me like she always does. then drafting and design, told heather everything about cheyenne, and how she was dating my x, she though what cheyenne did was pretty sleezy.. chris boyle asked if we got into a fight, but we didnt.
nicole got called donw to the nurses office ready for her dad to pick her up, i told her to tell her dad to pick me up to then like 15 minutes later they called me to attendence to go home and the lady said i was going home with nicole and to go to the nurses office to wait so i went there went to the office to get my fone back walked outside the school when the bell rang to go to period 12. we went to the doctor's for nicole's brother then la gondola and i saw that raven dude, he is weird looking... then we went to exckerd got some ice cream thing with chocolate... got home and my mom told me mrs.soper talked to cheyenne and told her that cheyenne never said she was gunna hit nicole in the face or when shetold me to get the fuck away, i was pissed cuz cheyenne made nicole looks like a liar, and mrs.soper told my mom she wanst sure if nicole was telling the truth since i didnt exactly hear what cheyenne said...nicole doesnt lie, cheyenne does!

it may be my fault that cheyenne and david are going out, just because of a little prank fone call i made and a little message i left... well didnt work out exactly how i thought it would... :(

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