Jul 02, 2005 16:31
Agh! Well, work was all right. I got a big compliment before I even clocked in, Stacie was so glad I was closing because I'm "phenomenal." I got huge brownie points for how I took care of Room 1 last Saturday. Stacie was saying the next night, on Sunday, she had two girls there who couldn't handle it, and she wished I had been there to take care of it or teach them how. Yay! She calls me her Room 1 goddess. I also learned the register, even though I got no official training on ANY of it. I had a little trouble guessing which way to put in the checks at first, but it's not so bad. Registers really are all the same.
But then I looked at the schedule next week. 9 hours. 9. 9!!! I was talking with Stacie about it, how I can't live on so few hours, how I'm moving out in the fall. So, she said on the manager's meeting on Wednesday that she'd fix it. That's good, but at the same time, and for the first time, I WANT to talk to Penny about my hours. It means so much more to me this time around that I get hours, not only because I want my own car insurance, I want my own cell phone, I pretty much pay for tuition alone, and I plan on moving out in the fall, but also because I do like working there. I like my job, A LOT. From what Stacie told me, Penny says that she can't get me to "open up." I'm not sure exactly what that means. I know I come across as tough-skinned, and first impressions do count for a lot, but at the same time, she should give me a chance! Not to mention a co-worker named Stefanie who comes across as cranky, she's not personable at all really, and she's been there for a long time. I KNOW I'll be a really good employee because I WANT to be there!
I have a feeling that approaching Penny in person about the schedule will be a good thing. She is more approachable than Babz ever was, and if I'm the first one to say, what can I do for more hours, what do I need to change, it'll give her a good impression that I can be up-front and open.
No sitting back and just letting it slide. Not this time. So, on Monday, (instead of Wednesday which is when I'm working next) I'm going to go in to work and say to Penny, do you have a few minutes? I'd like to talk about the schedule. Mainly because I don't want to do this over the phone, but also because I don't want to wait until Wednesday, and also I want to get to her before she does the schedule for next week. And maybe because Monday is a holiday, she won't be AS busy as a normal day.
No manager is going to screw me on hours based on my personality. Not this time, not EVER again. Nope, not gonna happen. I WON'T let this happen again. I WON'T. In the past I could afford to be lazy, but I can't afford to be lazy anymore.
Difference this time? I'm actually going to do it.