So the past couple of days have been say the least. =)
Monday started off good. =) Had a decent days, TSS ended early, and my design meeting ended early as well. Went home, and decided to make some shrimp chips. Well, you need to deep fry shrimp chips...and we didn't have a deep fryer. So I poured oil in a medium sized pot, and that worked...until the oil became brown. (I found out later that was b/c it was old) Well, I wanted to change the oil...wasn't thinking when I did it, and to make a long story somewhat short, I burned my right hand pretty bad. Spent 3 hours in the ER (after not wanting to go in the first place...thanks Jeff...I hate to say it...but you were right. 0=), and saw the doctor and nurse for about ten minutes. Samaritan is SLOOOOW! I knew it was slow, but I didn't think it would be THAT slow! So I've got second degree burns on my right hand (my mom is convinced they're third degree though), and I have cream and it's bandaged and looks even worse now. The blister got ginormous over night, but that's something to be expected. Went to the health center today and was supposed to have the doctor check it, but he definitely didn't want to touch it- I could tell. The nurse was really good, though. She cleaned it, redressed it, and then gave me a bunch of gauze and whatnot. So I've got a bum hand. Couldn't play Monday night's volleyball game. Was really bummed.
I have absolutely great friends. Thank you Jocey, Jeff, Sarah, and Dave. You guys are awesome. I don't deserve friends like these. =)
Came home today, after classes, hanging out with some of the nukies (it was Nuclear Awareness Day), and daily prayer. Doctor's appointment tomorrow amongst some other things. It's nice to be home for a couple of days.
I absolutely heart this
this one is pretty too...I really shouldn't be looking at all this stuff! 0=)
Don't wish, don't start
Wishing only wounds the heart
I wasn't born for the rose and the pearl...