I feel like I'm overdue for a real somewhat-informative post about what's been going on for me. Although, I'm not really sure what I would write. There really isn't much that's uber-exciting or important to tell. So this may end up being more random stuff than anything. And just a warning- it may not make any sense to you.
I'm missing
South Africa a bit. I don't know why I've been thinking about my six weeks there more often now.
Classes have been slow so far. I'm definitely not complaining about that! Although, after the last couple of semesters of 20 credits and 6 classes each, this semester (12 credits, 4 classes) leaves me with a LOT more free time. I was a little weird after Abnormal Psych on Tuesday...we got out at 3pm and I had nothing I needed to do. Nothing. I kept asking Jeff what to do. The whole concept of free time is just a little weird to me still. And I didn't have class yesterday! So that was really weird. I had a couple of errands to run, but still...weird. =) I have my design class at 4 today, we'll see how that goes. LeCoz is the prof...I'm trying not to dread it. I don't like LeCoz. He's a decent prof, but he's also a jerk.
Karen's birthday was yesterday! =) We celebrated last night...lots of fun. =) Oscar was funnier than any of us expected it to be. And Sam and Dave's ginormous crossword puzzle takes up lots of time. 0=) We had fun doing one tiny corner of it. And we surprised Karen with a cake! w00t! =) I like surprises. No wait. I like planning surprises. We all know I'm not too great with my own surprises. 0=) Dave had asked me to get small marshmellows for the party. And not realizing why he wanted them, I asked Jeff to get them. I figured he'd want them for hot chocolate or something. NOOOOOOOOOO...he wanted to shoot ppl with them! He got a marshmellow gun for Christmas! So there are now marshmellows all over his apartment...and I have video of him shooting a round of marshmellows into his mouth. =) I was trying to get Josh Ross to do it, since he did it first and I missed getting it on camera, but he wouldn't do it. =( I'm just glad I brought my camera! I'll have to post that video of Dave online soon. Along with the one of him sleeping and snoring. ;)
I'm contemplating leading a small group this semester...this after pretty much deciding not to. But the idea of doing a sg on spiritual warfare came to me earlier in the week, and I've been seriously considering it and praying about it. It's scary ground for me. I'm getting the feeling that if I lead this sg I may be stepping into something much much bigger than a sg. Which is why I'm afraid of leading it by myself. But it may just be time to lay myself on the line. We'll see...I think it would be a good sg for the chapter.
I've been cooking a lot more so far this semester. That's what free time will do for me...I'll cook and bake more. I haven't gotten to the baking yet, but I still owe Deej a batch of oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. I do need to go to the office and put in my work study hours...I usually try not to go in the first week though. And it's looking like I won't this week. I've been bumming around a bit and going to the gym and whatnot. And cooking. 0=) Steak for dinner one night, Chinese style pork chops the next...we've got a ton of chicken in the freezer that I may have to cook next. Not all of it, but some of it...not quite sure how I want to do it though. Teriyaki mebbe. I've got Chinese BBQ sauce too (and yes, there is definitely a difference!)...I may have to make some ribs sometime. Sheesh...from reading this you'd think all I do is cook! 0=)
Last semester at RPI...it's kind of a weird feeling. And I feel like all I've been doing is hanging out/planning to hang out with people. Work? What's that?? 0=) After an entire semester of working in the Union, I'm hoping I won't have to do that too often this semester. I've been a lot happier lately, prollie b/c the stress of classes hasn't hit yet. And I'm happy where I am- finally, for the first time since...August? =) I'm not exactly off the market, but I'm not looking, either. Gotta love it. 0=) Oh, and ladies, we have to do a Friends night sometime!! Why we haven't yet, I don't know, but we have to!! (Wow, girls' night...not at the end of the semester!!)
Wow, I better get my butt movin...first class of the day is at 3! 0=D